Faculty Scholarship

Showing 151 - 160 of 733 Items

From local to global behavior in competitive Lotka-Volterra systems

Date: 2003-01-01

Creator: E. C. Zeeman, M. L. Zeeman

Access: Open access

In this paper we exploit the linear, quadratic, monotone and geometric structures of competitive Lotka-Volterra systems of arbitrary dimension to give geometric, algebraic and computational hypotheses for ruling out nontrivial recurrence. We thus deduce the global dynamics of a system from its local dynamics. The geometric hypotheses rely on the introduction of a split Liapunov function. We show that if a system has a fixed point p ∈ int R+n and the carrying simplex of the system lies to one side of its tangent hyperplane at p, then there is no nontrivial recurrence, and the global dynamics are known. We translate the geometric hypotheses into algebraic hypotheses in terms of the definiteness of a certain quadratic function on the tangent hyperplane. Finally, we derive a computational algorithm for checking the algebraic hypotheses, and we compare this algorithm with the classical Volterra-Liapunov stability theorem for Lotka-Volterra systems.

Carbon cycle studies based on the distribution of O2 in air

Date: 1999-01-01

Creator: Michael L. Bender, Mark O. Battle

Access: Open access

A new global ethic»: A history of the United Nations International Environmental Education Program, 1975-1995

Date: 2020-12-01

Creator: Charles Dorn

Access: Open access

In 1975, the United Nations, under the auspices of its Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Environment Program (UNEP), established the International Environmental Education Program (IEEP). For two decades, IEEP aimed to accomplish goals ascribed to it by UNESCO member states and fostered communication across the international community through Connect, the UNESCO-UNEP environmental education newsletter. After reviewing UNESCO’s early involvement with the environment, this study examines IEEP’s development, beginning with its conceptual grounding in the 1968 UNESCO Biosphere Conference. It examines the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, moves on to the UNESCO-UNEP 1975 Belgrade Workshop, and continues with the world’s first intergovernmental conference dedicated to environmental education held in Tbilisi in 1977. The paper then uses Connect to trace changes in the form and content of environmental education. Across two decades, environmental education shifted from providing instruction about nature protection and natural resource conservation to fostering an environmental ethic through a problems-based, interdisciplinary study of the ecology of the total environment to adopting the concept of sustainable development. IEEP ultimately met with mixed success. Yet it was the primary United Nations program assigned the task of creating and implementing environmental education globally and thus offers a particularly useful lens through which to analyze changes in the international community’s understanding of the concept of the environment over time.

State of the Arg: Protein methylation at arginine comes of age

Date: 2001-07-13

Creator: Anne E. McBride, Pamela A. Silver

Access: Open access

An Arabidopsis cell wall-associated kinase required for invertase activity and cell growth

Date: 2006-04-01

Creator: Bruce D. Kohorn, Masaru Kobayashi, Sue Johansen, Jeff Riese, Li Fen, Huang, Karen Koch, Sarita Fu, Anjali Dotson, Nicole Byers

Access: Open access

The wall-associated kinases (WAK), a family of five proteins that contain extracellular domains that can be linked to pectin molecules of the cell wall, span the plasma membrane and have a cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase domain. Previous work has shown that a reduction in WAK protein levels leads to a loss of cell expansion, indicating that these receptor-like proteins have a role in cell shape formation. Here it is shown that a single wak2 mutation exhibits a dependence on sugars and salts for seedling growth. This mutation also reduces the expression and activity of vacuolar invertase, often a key factor in turgor and expansion. WAKs may thus provide a molecular mechanism linking cell wall sensing (via pectin attachment) to regulation of solute metabolism, which in turn is known to be involved in turgor maintenance in growing cells. © 2006 The Authors.

A note on convexity properties of Thompson's group F

Date: 2012-01-01

Creator: Matthew Horak, Melanie Stein, Jennifer Taback

Access: Open access

We prove that Thompson's group F is not minimally almost convex with respect to any generating set which is a subset of the standard infinite generating set for F and which contains x1. We use this to show that F is not almost convex with respect to any generating set which is a subset of the standard infinite generating set, generalizing results in [4]. © Gruyter 2012.

The use of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in clonal plant systems

Date: 2016-02-01

Creator: Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Matthew Leventhal

Access: Open access

Traditionally population genetics precludes the use of the same genetic individual more than once in Hardy-Weinberg (HW) based calculations due to the model's explicit assumptions. However, when applied to clonal plant populations this can be difficult to do, and in some circumstances, it may be ecologically informative to use the ramet as the data unit. In fact, ecologists have varied the definition of the individual from a strict adherence to a single data point per genotype to a more inclusive approach of one data point per ramet. With the advent of molecular tools, the list of facultatively clonal plants and the recognition of their ecological relevance grows. There is an important risk of misinterpretation when HW calculations are applied to a clonal plant not recognized as clonal, as well as when the definition of the individual for those calculations is not clearly stated in a known clonal species. Focusing on heterozygosity values, we investigate cases that demonstrate the extreme range of potential modeling outcomes and describe the different contexts where a particular definition could better meet ecological modeling goals. We emphasize that the HW model can be ecologically relevant when applied to clonal plants, but caution is necessary in how it is used, reported, and interpreted. We propose that in known clonal plants, both genotype (GHet) and ramet (RHet) based calculations are reported to define the full range of potential values and better facilitate cross-study comparisons.

Noether’s theorem for plane domains with hyperelliptic double

Date: 1977-01-01

Creator: William H. Barker

Access: Open access

This paper is motivated by the observation that Noether’s theorem for quadratic differentials fails for hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces. In this paper we provide an appropriate substitute for Noether’s theorem which is valid for plane domains with hyperelliptic double. Our result is somewhat more explicit than Noether’s, and, in contrast with the case of nonhyperelliptic surfaces, it provides a basis for the (even) quadratic differentials which holds globally for all domains with hyperelliptic double. An important fact which plays a significant role in these considerations is that no two normal differentials of the first kind can have a common zero on a domain with hyperelliptic double. © 1977 Pacific Journal of Mathematics. All rights reserved.

Assessment and comparison of putative amine receptor complement/diversity in the brain and eyestalk ganglia of the lobster, Homarus americanus

Date: 2020-06-01

Creator: Andrew E. Christie, J. Joe Hull, Patsy S. Dickinson

Access: Open access

In decapods, dopamine, octopamine, serotonin, and histamine function as locally released/hormonally delivered modulators of physiology/behavior. Although the functional roles played by amines in decapods have been examined extensively, little is known about the identity/diversity of their amine receptors. Recently, a Homarus americanus mixed nervous system transcriptome was used to identify putative neuronal amine receptors in this species. While many receptors were identified, some were fragmentary, and no evidence of splice/other variants was found. Here, the previously predicted proteins were used to search brain- and eyestalk ganglia-specific transcriptomes to assess/compare amine receptor complements in these portions of the lobster nervous system. All previously identified receptors were reidentified from the brain and/or eyestalk ganglia transcriptomes, i.e., dopamine alpha-1, beta-1, and alpha-2 (Homam-DAα2R) receptors, octopamine alpha (Homam-OctαR), beta-1, beta-2, beta-3, beta-4, and octopamine–tyramine (Homam-OTR-I) receptors, serotonin type-1A, type-1B (Homam-5HTR1B), type-2B, and type-7 receptors; and histamine type-1 (Homam-HA1R), type-2, type-3, and type-4 receptors. For many previously partial proteins, full-length receptors were deduced from brain and/or eyestalk ganglia transcripts, i.e., Homam-DAα2R, Homam-OctαR, Homam-OTR-I, and Homam-5HTR1B. In addition, novel dopamine/ecdysteroid, octopamine alpha-2, and OTR receptors were discovered, the latter, Homam-OTR-II, being a putative paralog of Homam-OTR-I. Finally, evidence for splice/other variants was found for many receptors, including evidence for some being assembly-specific, e.g., a brain-specific Homam-OTR-I variant and an eyestalk ganglia-specific Homam-HA1R variant. To increase confidence in the transcriptome-derived sequences, a subset of receptors was cloned using RT-PCR. These data complement/augment those reported previously, providing a more complete picture of amine receptor complement/diversity in the lobster nervous system.

Genetic Population Structure and Accuracy of Morphological Assessment in Alosa aestivalis (Blueback Herring) and A. pseudoharengus (Alewife)

Date: 2017-12-01

Creator: Christopher Kan, John Lichter, Vladimir Douhovnikoff

Access: Open access

Alosa aestivalis and A. pseudoharengus are herring congeners that are important forage species for piscivorous fish and birds. We measured population structure metrics for these species using microsatellite markers. The Southern Gulf of Maine study area allowed the assessment of these species at an inter- and intra-watershed level. We found no detectable population structure within or among watershed for either species which agrees with other recent research. Our results support regional-scale (e.g., Gulf of Maine) plans for management for A. aestivalis and A. pseudoharengus. We found that 5.4% of our samples were hybrids. Our study adds to a growing body of evidence that hybridization and introgression should be management concerns for these species, and precautions should be taken to preserve species barriers. An error rate of morphological identification was calculated by comparing morphological identifications against genetic classifications. We found an overall identification error rate of 16%, which differed significantly from zero (P = 0.008). Managers should also take note of the uncertainty in morphological identifications and adjust stock models and policies accordingly.