Faculty Scholarship
Showing 211 - 220 of 733 Items
Date: 2007-02-01
Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Kimberly K. Kutz-Naber, Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Alexandra Klein, Daniel I., Messinger, Christopher C. Goiney, Anna J. Conterato, Emily A. Bruns, Yun Wei A. Hsu, Lingjun Li, Patsy S. Dickinson
Access: Open access
- Over a quarter of a century ago, Mykles described the presence of putative endocrine cells in the midgut epithelium of the crab Cancer magister (Mykles, 1979). In the years that have followed, these cells have been largely ignored and nothing is known about their hormone content or the functions they play in this species. Here, we used a combination of immunohistochemistry and mass spectrometric techniques to investigate these questions. Using immunohistochemistry, we identified both SIFamide-and tachykinin-related peptide (TRP)-like immunopositive cells in the midgut epithelium of C. magister, as well as in that of Cancer borealis and Cancer productus. In each species, the SIFamide-like labeling was restricted to the anterior portion of the midgut, including the paired anterior midgut caeca, whereas the TRP-like immunoreactivity predominated in the posterior midgut and the posterior midgut caecum. Regardless of location, label or species, the morphology of the immunopositive cells matched that of the putative endocrine cells characterized ultrastructurally by Mykles (Mykles, 1979). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization-Fourier transform mass spectrometry identified the peptides responsible for the immunoreactivities as GYRKPPFNGSIFamide (Gly 1-SIFamide) and APSGFLGMRamide [Cancer boreatis tachykinin-related peptide Ia (CabTRP Ia)], respectively, both of which are known neuropeptides of Cancer species. Although the function of these midgut-derived peptides remains unknown, we found that both Gly1-SIFamide and CabTRP Ia were released when the midgut was exposed to high-potassium saline. In addition, CabTRP Ia was detectable in the hemolymph of crabs that had been held without food for several days, but not in that of fed animals, paralleling results that were attributed to TRP release from midgut endocrine cells in insects. Thus, one function that midgut-derived CabTRP Ia may play in Cancer species is paracrine/hormonal control of feeding-related behavior, as has been postulated for TRPs released from homologous cells in insects.
Date: 2020-01-22
Creator: Madeleine E. Msall, Paulo V. Santos
Access: Open access
- Focusing microcavities for surface acoustic waves (SAWs) produce highly localized strain and piezoelectric fields that can dynamically control excitations in nanostructures. Focusing transducers (FIDTs) that generate SAW beams that match nanostructure dimensions require pattern correction due to diffraction and wave-velocity anisotropy. The anisotropy correction is normally implemented by adding a quadratic term to the dependence of the wave velocity on the propagation angle. We show that a SAW focusing to a diffraction-limited size in GaAs requires corrections that more closely follow the group-velocity wave front, which is not a quadratic function. Optical interferometric mapping of the resultant SAW displacement field reveals tightly focused SAW beams on GaAs with a minimal beam waist. An additional set of Gouy-phase-corrected passive fingers creates an acoustic microcavity in the focal region with a small volume and a high quality factor. Our λSAW=5.6μm FIDTs are expected to scale well to the approximately 500-nm wavelength regime needed to study strong coupling between vibrations and electrons in electrostatic GaAs quantum dots.
Date: 2004-01-01
Creator: I.A. Morrison, T.W. Baumgarte, S.L. Shapiro
Access: Open access
Date: 2003-01-01
Creator: T.W. Baumgarte, S.L. Shapiro
Access: Open access
Date: 1997-01-01
Creator: Patsy S. Dickinson, Wesley P. Fairfield, John R. Hetling, Jane Hauptman
Access: Open access
- Two of the peptides found in the stomatogastric nervous system of the spiny lobster. Panulirus interruptus, interacted to modulate the activity of the cardiac sac motor pattern. In the isolated stomatogastric ganglion, red- pigment-concentrating hormone (RPCH), but not proctolin, activated the bursting activity in the inferior ventricular (IV) neurons that drives the cardiac sac pattern. The cardiac sac pattern normally ceased within 15 min after the end of RPCH superfusion. However, when proctolin was applied within a few minutes of that time, it was likewise able to induce cardiac sac activity. Similarly, proctolin applied together with subthreshold RPCH induced cardiac sac bursting. The amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials from the IV neurons to the cardiac sac dilator neuron CD2 (1 of the 2 major motor neurons in the cardiac sac system) was potentiated in the presence of both proctolin and RPCH. The potentiation in RPCH was much greater than in proctolin alone. However, the potentiation in proctolin after RPCH was equivalent to that recorded in RPCH alone. Although we do not yet understand the mechanisms for these interactions of the two modulators, this study provides an example of one factor that can determine the 'state' of the system that is critical in determining the effect of a modulator that is 'state dependent,' and it provides evidence for yet another level of flexibility in the motor output of this system.
Date: 2014-04-30
Creator: M. Ram Murty, Naomi Tanabe
Access: Open access
- In 2011, M.R. Murty and V.K. Murty [10] proved that if L(s, χD) is the Dirichlet L-series attached a quadratic character χD, and L'(1, χD)=0, then eγ is transcendental. This paper investigates such phenomena in wider collections of L-functions, with a special emphasis on Artin L-functions. Instead of s=1, we consider s=1/2. More precisely, we prove thatexp (L'(1/2,χ)L(1/2,χ)-αγ) is transcendental with some rational number α. In particular, if we have L(1/2, χ)≠0 and L'(1/2, χ)=0 for some Artin L-series, we deduce the transcendence of eγ.
Date: 2008-06-30
Creator: X. Faïn, C. P. Ferrari, A. Dommergue, M. Albert, M., Battle, L. Arnaud, J. M. Barnola, W. Cairns, C. Barbante, C. Boutron
Access: Open access
- Gaseous Elemental Mercury (Hg° or GEM) was investigated at Summit Station, Greenland, in the interstitial air extracted from the perennial snowpack (firn) at depths ranging from the surface to 30 m, during summer 2005 and spring 2006. Photolytic production and destruction of Hg° were observed close to the snow surface during summer 2005 and spring 2006, and we observed dark oxidation of GEM up to 270 cm depth in June 2006. Photochemical transformation of gaseous elemental mercury resulted in diel variations in the concentrations of this gas in the near-surface interstitial air, but destruction of Hg° was predominant in June, and production was the main process in July. This seasonal evolution of the chemical mechanisms involving gaseous elemental mercury produces a signal that propagates downward through the firn air, but is unobservably small below 15 m in depth. As a consequence, multi-annual averaged records of GEM concentration should be well preserved in deep firn air at depths below 15 m, and available for the reconstruction of the past atmospheric history of GEM over the last decades.
Date: 2003-01-01
Creator: Mary Lou Zeeman, W. Weckesser, D. Gokhman
Access: Open access
- In vertebrates, ovulation is triggered by a surge of LH from the pituitary. The precise mechanism by which rising oestradiol concentrations initiate the LH surge in the human menstrual cycle remains a fundamental open question of reproductive biology. It is well known that sampling of serum LH on a time scale of minutes reveals pulsatile release from the pituitary in response to pulses of gonadotrophin releasing hormone from the hypothalamus. The LH pulse frequency and amplitude vary considerably over the cycle, with the highest frequency and amplitude at the midcycle surge. Here a new mathematical model is presented of the pituitary as a damped oscillator (pulse generator) driven by the hypothalamus. The model LH surge is consistent with LH data on the time scales of both minutes and days. The model is used to explain the surprising pulse frequency characteristics required to treat human infertility disorders such as Kallmann's syndrome, and new experimental predictions are made.
Date: 1995-07-17
Creator: Michael Crescimanno, Stephen G. Naculich, Howard J. Schnitzer
Access: Open access
- We exhibit the gauge-group independence ("universality") of all normalized non-intersecting Wilson loop expectation values in the large N limit of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. This universality is most easily understood via the string theory reformulation of these gauge theories. By constructing an isomorphism between the string maps contributing to normalized Wilson loop expectation values in the different theories, we prove the large N universality of these observables on any surface. The string calculation of the Wilson loop expectation value on the sphere also leads to an indication of the large N phase transition separating strong- and weak-coupling phases. © 1995.
Date: 1996-01-01
Creator: Francisco Montes De Oca, Mary Lou Zeeman
Access: Open access
- It is well known that for the two species autonomous competitive Lotka-Volterra model with no fixed point in the open positive quadrant, one of the species is driven to extinction, whilst the other population stabilises at its own carrying capacity. In this paper we prove a generalisation of this result to nonautonomous systems of arbitrary finite dimension. That is, for the n species nonautonomous competitive Lotka-Volterra model, we exhibit simple algebraic criteria on the parameters which guarantee that all but one of the species is driven to extinction. The restriction of the system to the remaining axis is a nonautonomous logistic equation, which has a unique solution u(t) that is strictly positive and bounded for all time; see Coleman (Math. Biosci. 45 (1979), 159-173) and Ahmad (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 117 (1993), 199-205). We prove in addition that all solutions of the n-dimensional system with strictly positive initial conditions are asymptotic to u(t). © 1996 American Mathematical Society.