Faculty Scholarship
Showing 261 - 270 of 733 Items
Date: 1999-06-24
Creator: James H. Butler, Mark Battle, Michael L. Bender, Stephen A. Montzka, Andrew D., Clarke, Eric S. Saltzman, Cara M. Sucher, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, James W. Elkins
Access: Open access
- Measurements of trace gases in air trapped in polar firn (unconsolidated snow) demonstrate that natural sources of chlorofluorocarbons, halons, persistent chlorocarbon solvents and sulphur hexafluoride to the atmosphere are minimal or non-existent. Atmospheric concentrations of these gases, reconstructed back to the late nineteenth century, are consistent with atmospheric histories derived from anthropogenic emission rates and known atmospheric lifetimes. The measurements confirm the predominance of human activity in the atmospheric budget of organic chlorine, and allow the estimation of atmospheric histories of halogenated gases of combined anthropogenic and natural origin. The pre-twentieth-century burden of methyl chloride was close to that at present, while the burden of methyl bromide was probably over half of today's value.
Date: 1993-01-01
Creator: A. Bean, J. Gronberg, R. Kutschke, S. Menary, R. J., Morrison, H. N. Nelson, J. D. Richman, H. Tajima, D. Schmidt, D. Sperka, M. S. Witherell, M. Procario, S. Yang, R. Ballest, M. Daoudi, W. T. Ford, D. R. Johnson, K. Lingel, M. Lohner, P. Rankin, J. G. Smith, J. P. Alexander, C. Bebek, K. Berkelman, D. Besson, T. E. Browder, D. G. Cassel, H. A. Cho, D. M. Coffman, P. S. Drell, R. Ehrlich
Access: Open access
- Using a sample of 935 000 BB̄ pairs collected with the CLEO-II detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, we have obtained upper limits on the branching ratios for the b→ul-ν̄ processes B-→ωl- ν̄, B-→ρ0l-ν̄, and B̄0→ρ+l-ν̄. The combined result using the relationships among the widths for these three modes is B(B-→ρ0l-ν̄)<(1.6-2.7)×10-4 at 90% C.L., where the range of values is due to model dependence of the detection efficiencies. These measurements yield the limits Vub/Vcb<0.08-0.13. © 1993 The American Physical Society.
Date: 2014-09-01
Creator: Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Eric L.G. Hazelton
Access: Open access
- Premise of the study: The characteristics of clonal growth that are advantageous in invasive plants can also result in native plants’ ability to resist invasion. In Maine, we compared the clonal architecture and diversity of an invasive lineage (introduced Phragmites) and a noninvasive lineage (native Phragmites) present in much of North America. This study is the fi rst on standscale diversity using a sample size and systematic spatial-sampling scheme adequate for characterizing clonal structure in Phragmites. Our questions included: (1) Does the structure and extent of clonal growth suggest that the potential for clonal growth contributes to the invasiveness of the introduced lineage? (2) Is clonal growth common in the native lineage, acting as a possible source of ecological resistance and resilience?
Date: 2010-11-01
Creator: Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Gregory R. Goldsmith, Ken D. Tape, Cherrie Huang, Nadine, Sur, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte
Access: Open access
- Rapid climate change in arctic environments is leading to a widespread expansion in woody deciduous shrub populations. However, little is known about the reproductive, dispersal, and establishment mechanisms associated with shrub expansion. It is assumed that harsh environmental conditions impose limitations on plant sexual reproduction in the Arctic, such that population survival and expansion is predominately a function of clonal recruitment. We present contrary evidence from microsatellite genetic data suggesting the prevalence of recruitment by seed. Further, we present a conceptual model describing modes of recruitment in relation to the abiotic environment. Climate change may be alleviating abiotic stress so that resources are available for more frequent recruitment by seed. Such changes have widespread implications for ecosystem structure and functioning, including species composition, wildlife habitat, biogeochemical cycling, and surface energy balance. © 2010 Regents of the University of Colorado.
Date: 2013-10-22
Creator: Kristin M.K. Halbert, Erica Goetze, David B. Carlon
Access: Open access
- Although holoplankton are ocean drifters and exhibit high dispersal potential, a number of studies on single species are finding highly divergent genetic clades. These cryptic species complexes are important to discover and describe, as identification of common marine species is fundamental to understanding ecosystem dynamics. Here we investigate the global diversity within Pleuromamma piseki and P. gracilis, two dominant members of the migratory zooplankton assemblage in subtropical and tropical waters worldwide. Using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mtCOII) from 522 specimens collected across the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, we discover twelve well-resolved genetically distinct clades in this species complex (Bayesian posterior probabilities >0.7; 6.3-17% genetic divergence between clades). The morphologically described species P. piseki and P. gracilis did not form monophyletic groups, rather they were distributed throughout the phylogeny and sometimes co-occurred within well-resolved clades: this result suggests that morphological characters currently used for taxonomic identification of P. gracilis and P. piseki may be inaccurate as indicators of species' boundaries. Cryptic clades within the species complex ranged from being common to rare, and from cosmopolitan to highly restricted in distribution across the global ocean. These novel lineages appear to be ecologically divergent, with distinct biogeographic distributions across varied pelagic habitats. We hypothesize that these mtDNA lineages are distinct species and suggest that resolving their systematic status is important, given the ecological significance of the genus Pleuromamma in subtropical-tropical waters worldwide. © 2013 Halbert et al.
Date: 2016-01-01
Creator: Maria A. Gartstein, Samuel P. Putnam, Rachel Kliewer
Access: Open access
- Examined relationships between temperament, measured via parent report at 4 months and structured laboratory observations at 12 months of age, and a school readiness battery administered at about 4 years of age (N =31). Scores on the School Readiness Assessment of the Bracken Basic Concept Scale (BBCS) were related to infant Positive Affectivity/Surgency (PAS), with infants described as demonstrating higher levels of PAS at 4 months of age later demonstrating greater school readiness in the domains of color, letter, and number skills. Regulatory Capacity/Orienting (RCO) at 4 months also predicted color skills, with more regulated infants demonstrating superior pre-academic functioning in this area. Analyses involving laboratory observations of temperament provided additional information concerning the importance of infant Positive Affectivity/Surgency, predictive of letter skills and overall school-readiness scores later in childhood. Results are discussed in the context of implications for theory and research, as well as early education settings.
Date: 2009-06-04
Creator: Geraldine Butler, Matthew D. Rasmussen, Michael F. Lin, Manuel A.S. Santos, Sharadha, Sakthikumar, Carol A. Munro, Esther Rheinbay, Manfred Grabherr, Anja Forche, Jennifer L. Reedy, Ino Agrafioti, Martha B. Arnaud, Steven Bates, Alistair J.P. Brown, Sascha Brunke, Maria C. Costanzo, David A. Fitzpatrick, Piet W.J. De Groot, David Harris, Lois L. Hoyer, Bernhard Hube, Frans M. Klis, Chinnappa Kodira, Nicola Lennard, Mary E. Logue, Ronny Martin, Aaron M. Neiman, Elissavet Nikolaou, Michael A. Quail, Janet Quinn, Maria C. Santos
Access: Open access
- Candida species are the most common cause of opportunistic fungal infection worldwide. Here we report the genome sequences of six Candida species and compare these and related pathogens and non-pathogens. There are significant expansions of cell wall, secreted and transporter gene families in pathogenic species, suggesting adaptations associated with virulence. Large genomic tracts are homozygous in three diploid species, possibly resulting from recent recombination events. Surprisingly, key components of the mating and meiosis pathways are missing from several species. These include major differences at the mating-type loci (MTL); Lodderomyces elongisporus lacks MTL, and components of the a1/α2 cell identity determinant were lost in other species, raising questions about how mating and cell types are controlled. Analysis of the CUG leucine-to-serine genetic-code change reveals that 99% of ancestral CUG codons were erased and new ones arose elsewhere. Lastly, we revise the Candida albicans gene catalogue, identifying many new genes. © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Date: 2021-03-01
Creator: Travis N. Ridout, Erika Franklin Fowler, Michael M. Franz
Access: Open access
- This article is a "first look"at political advertising in 2020. Spending on political advertising in the United States in 2020 obliterated records, and Democrats held huge advantages in the presidential race and in most congressional and senatorial races. In addition, all indicators suggest that spending on digital advertising continued to rise. Political advertising was largely similar in tone to past years and, in the presidential race, was substantially more positive than 2016. In addition, interest groups remained heavily involved in federal races in 2020, airing more ads than ever before, though their spending as a percentage of total ad spending was slightly less than in 2016. Political ad spending in 2020 may have been historically high because of the impact of COVID-19 on how campaigns could reach voters, suggesting that paid advertising may decline in 2022 and 2024, at least as a percentage of total election spending.
Date: 2011-04-20
Creator: Zicheng Yu, D. W. Beilman, S. Frolking, G. M. MacDonald, N. T., Roulet, P. Camill, D. J. Charman
Access: Open access
- Global peatlands store a very large carbon (C) pool located within a few meters of the atmosphere. Thus, peatland-atmosphere C exchange should be a major concern to global change scientists: Will large amounts of respired belowground C be released in a warmer climate, causing the climate to further warm (a positive climate feedback)? Will more C be sequestered due to increased plant growth in a warmer climate? How will land use change, fires, and permafrost thaw affect the magnitude and direction of carbon dioxide (CO ) and methane (CH ) exchange with the atmosphere? These questions remain challenging, but some significant progress has been made recently. 2 4
Date: 2010-06-01
Creator: Erika Nyhus, Tim Curran
Access: Open access
- The primary aim of this review is to examine evidence for a functional role of gamma and theta oscillations in human episodic memory. It is proposed here that gamma and theta oscillations allow for the transient interaction between cortical structures and the hippocampus for the encoding and retrieval of episodic memories as described by the hippocampal memory indexing theory (Teyler and DiScenna, 1986). Gamma rhythms can act in the cortex to bind perceptual features and in the hippocampus to bind the rich perceptual and contextual information from diverse brain regions into episodic representations. Theta oscillations act to temporally order these individual episodic memory representations. Through feedback projections from the hippocampus to the cortex these gamma and theta patterns could cause the reinstatement of the entire episodic memory representation in the cortex. In addition, theta oscillations could allow for top-down control from the frontal cortex to the hippocampus modulating the encoding and retrieval of episodic memories. © 2009.