Faculty Scholarship

Showing 681 - 690 of 733 Items

Spatial heterogeneity and environmental predictors of permafrost region soil organic carbon stocks

Date: 2021-02-24

Creator: Umakant Mishra, Gustaf Hugelius, Eitan Shelef, Yuanhe Yang, Jens, Strauss, Alexey Lupachev, Jennifer W. Harden, Julie D. Jastrow, Chien Lu Ping, William J. Riley, Edward A.G. Schuur, Roser Matamala, Matthias Siewert, Lucas E. Nave, Charles D. Koven, Matthias Fuchs

Access: Open access

Large stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) have accumulated in the Northern Hemisphere permafrost region, but their current amounts and future fate remain uncertain. By analyzing dataset combining >2700 soil profiles with environmental variables in a geospatial framework, we generated spatially explicit estimates of permafrost-region SOC stocks, quantified spatial heterogeneity, and identified key environmental predictors. We estimated that Pg C are stored in the top 3 m of permafrost region soils. The greatest uncertainties occurred in circumpolar toe-slope positions and in flat areas of the Tibetan region. We found that soil wetness index and elevation are the dominant topographic controllers and surface air temperature (circumpolar region) and precipitation (Tibetan region) are significant climatic controllers of SOC stocks. Our results provide first high-resolution geospatial assessment of permafrost region SOC stocks and their relationships with environmental factors, which are crucial for modeling the response of permafrost affected soils to changing climate.

Effects of permafrost aggradation on peat properties as determined from a pan-Arctic synthesis of plant macrofossils

Date: 2016-01-01

Creator: C. C. Treat, M. C. Jones, P. Camill, A. Gallego-Sala, M., Garneau, J. W. Harden, G. Hugelius, E. S. Klein, U. Kokfelt, P. Kuhry, J. Loisel, P. J.H. Mathijssen, J. A. O'Donnell, P. O. Oksanen, T. M. Ronkainen, A. B.K. Sannel

Access: Open access

Permafrost dynamics play an important role in high-latitude peatland carbon balance and are key to understanding the future response of soil carbon stocks. Permafrost aggradation can control the magnitude of the carbon feedback in peatlands through effects on peat properties. We compiled peatland plant macrofossil records for the northern permafrost zone (515 cores from 280 sites) and classified samples by vegetation type and environmental class (fen, bog, tundra and boreal permafrost, and thawed permafrost). We examined differences in peat properties (bulk density, carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and organic matter content, and C/N ratio) and C accumulation rates among vegetation types and environmental classes. Consequences of permafrost aggradation differed between boreal and tundra biomes, including differences in vegetation composition, C/N ratios, and N content. The vegetation composition of tundra permafrost peatlands was similar to permafrost-free fens, while boreal permafrost peatlands more closely resembled permafrost-free bogs. Nitrogen content in boreal permafrost and thawed permafrost peatlands was significantly lower than in permafrost-free bogs despite similar vegetation types (0.9% versus 1.5% N). Median long-term C accumulation rates were higher in fens (23 g C m yr ) than in permafrost-free bogs (18 g C m yr ) and were lowest in boreal permafrost peatlands (14 g C m yr ). The plant macrofossil record demonstrated transitions from fens to bogs to permafrost peatlands, bogs to fens, permafrost aggradation within fens, and permafrost thaw and reaggradation. Using data synthesis, we have identified predominant peatland successional pathways, changes in vegetation type, peat properties, and C accumulation rates associated with permafrost aggradation. -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1

Genomic plasticity of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans

Date: 2010-07-01

Creator: Anna Selmecki, Anja Forche, Judith Berman

Access: Open access

The genomic plasticity of Candida albicans, a commensal and common opportunistic fungal pathogen, continues to reveal unexpected surprises. Once thought to be asexual, we now know that the organism can generate genetic diversity through several mechanisms, including mating between cells of the opposite or of the same mating type and by a parasexual reduction in chromosome number that can be accompanied by recombination events (2, 12, 14, 53, 77, 115). In addition, dramatic genome changes can appear quite rapidly in mitotic cells propagated in vitro as well as in vivo. The detection of aneuploidy in other fungal pathogens isolated directly from patients (145) and from environmental samples (71) suggests that variations in chromosome organization and copy number are a common mechanism used by pathogenic fungi to rapidly generate diversity in response to stressful growth conditions, including, but not limited to, antifungal drug exposure. Since cancer cells often become polyploid and/or aneuploid, some of the lessons learned from studies of genome plasticity in C. albicans may provide important insights into how these processes occur in higher-eukaryotic cells exposed to stresses such as anticancer drugs. © 2010, American Society for Microbiology.

Perception is key? Does perceptual sensitivity and parenting behavior predict children's reactivity to others’ emotions?

Date: 2017-11-01

Creator: Joyce Weeland, Alithe Van den Akker, Meike Slagt, Samuel Putnam

Access: Open access

When interacting with other people, both children's biological predispositions and past experiences play a role in how they will process and respond to social–emotional cues. Children may partly differ in their reactions to such cues because they differ in the threshold for perceiving such cues in general. Theoretically, perceptual sensitivity (i.e., the amount of detection of slight, low-intensity stimuli from the external environment independent of visual and auditory ability) might, therefore, provide us with specific information on individual differences in susceptibility to the environment. However, the temperament trait of perceptual sensitivity is highly understudied. In an experiment, we tested whether school-aged children's (N = 521, 52.5% boys, Mage = 9.72 years, SD = 1.51) motor (facial electromyography) and affective (self-report) reactivities to dynamic facial expressions and vocalizations is predicted by their (parent-reported) perceptual sensitivity. Our results indicate that children's perceptual sensitivity predicts their motor reactivity to both happy and angry expressions and vocalizations. In addition, perceptual sensitivity interacted with positive (but not negative) parenting behavior in predicting children's motor reactivity to these emotions. Our findings suggest that perceptual sensitivity might indeed provide us with information on individual differences in reactivity to social–emotional cues, both alone and in interaction with parenting behavior. Because perceptual sensitivity focuses specifically on whether children perceive cues from their environment, and not on whether these cues cause arousal and/or whether children are able to regulate this arousal, it should be considered that perceptual sensitivity lies at the root of such individual differences.

Effects of Arabidopsis wall associated kinase mutations on ESMERALDA1 and elicitor induced ROS

Date: 2021-05-01

Creator: Bruce D. Kohorn, Bridgid E. Greed, Gregory Mouille, Stéphane Verger, Susan L., Kohorn

Access: Open access

Angiosperm cell adhesion is dependent on interactions between pectin polysaccharides which make up a significant portion of the plant cell wall. Cell adhesion in Arabidopsis may also be regulated through a pectin-related signaling cascade mediated by a putative O-fucosyltransferase ESMERALDA1 (ESMD1), and the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) domains of the pectin binding Wall associated Kinases (WAKs) are a primary candidate substrate for ESMD1 activity. Genetic interactions between WAKs and ESMD1 were examined using a dominant hyperactive allele of WAK2, WAK2cTAP, and a mutant of the putative O-fucosyltransferase ESMD1. WAK2cTAP expression results in a dwarf phenotype and activation of the stress response and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, while esmd1 is a suppressor of a pectin deficiency induced loss of adhesion. Here we find that esmd1 suppresses the WAK2cTAP dwarf and stress response phenotype, including ROS accumulation and gene expression. Additional analysis suggests that mutations of the potential WAK EGF O-fucosylation site also abate the WAK2cTAP phenotype, yet only evidence for an N-linked but not O-linked sugar addition can be found. Moreover, a WAK locus deletion allele has no effect on the ability of esmd1 to suppress an adhesion deficiency, indicating WAKs and their modification are not a required component of the potential ESMD1 signaling mechanism involved in the control of cell adhesion. The WAK locus deletion does however affect the induction of ROS but not the transcriptional response induced by the elicitors Flagellin, Chitin and oligogalacturonides (OGs).

Forces generated during stretch in the heart of the lobster Homarus americanus are anisotropic and are altered by neuromodulators

Date: 2016-01-01

Creator: E. S. Dickinson, A. S. Johnson, O. Ellers, P. S. Dickinson

Access: Open access

Mechanical and neurophysiological anisotropies mediate three-dimensional responses of the heart of Homarus americanus. Although hearts in vivo are loaded multi-axially by pressure, studies of invertebrate cardiac function typically use uniaxial tests. To generate whole-heart length-tension curves, stretch pyramids at constant lengthening and shortening rates were imposed uniaxially and biaxially along longitudinal and transverse axes of the beating whole heart. To determine whether neuropeptides that are known to modulate cardiac activity in H. americanus affect the active or passive components of these length-tension curves, we also performed these tests in the presence of SGRNFLRFamide (SGRN) and GYSNRNYLRFamide (GYS). In uniaxial and biaxial tests, both passive and active forces increased with stretch along both measurement axes. The increase in passive forces was anisotropic, with greater increases along the longitudinal axis. Passive forces showed hysteresis and active forces were higher during lengthening than shortening phases of the stretch pyramid. Active forces at a given length were increased by both neuropeptides. To exert these effects, neuropeptides might have acted indirectly on the muscle via their effects on the cardiac ganglion, directly on the neuromuscular junction, or directly on the muscles. Because increases in response to stretch were also seen in stimulated motor nerve-muscle preparations, at least some of the effects of the peptides are likely peripheral. Taken together, these findings suggest that flexibility in rhythmic cardiac contractions results from the amplified effects of neuropeptides interacting with the length-tension characteristics of the heart.

Wilson line approach to gravity in the high energy limit

Date: 2014-01-14

Creator: S. Melville, S. G. Naculich, H. J. Schnitzer, C. D. White

Access: Open access

We examine the high energy (Regge) limit of gravitational scattering using a Wilson line approach previously used in the context of non-Abelian gauge theories. Our aim is to clarify the nature of the Reggeization of the graviton and the interplay between this Reggeization and the so-called eikonal phase which determines the spectrum of gravitational bound states. Furthermore, we discuss finite corrections to this picture. Our results are of relevance to various supergravity theories, and also help to clarify the relationship between gauge and gravity theories. © 2014 American Physical Society.

The supply of media slant across outlets and demand for slant within outlets: Evidence from US presidential campaign news

Date: 2020-06-01

Creator: Marcel Garz, Gaurav Sood, Daniel F. Stone, Justin Wallace

Access: Open access

We conduct across-outlet and within-outlet (and within-topic) analyses of “congenially” slanted news. We study “horse race” news (news on candidates' chances in an upcoming election) from six major online outlets for the 2012 and 2016 US presidential campaigns. We find robust evidence that horse race headlines were slanted congenially with respect to the preferences of the outlets' typical readers. However, evidence of congenial slant in the timing and frequency of horse race stories is weaker. We also find limited evidence of greater within-outlet demand for headlines most congenial to outlets' typical readers, and somewhat stronger evidence of greater demand for relatively uncongenial headlines. We discuss how various aspects of our results are consistent with each of the major mechanisms driving slant studied in the theoretical literature, and may help explain when each mechanism is more likely to come into play. In particular, readers may be more likely to click on uncongenial headlines due to inferring that these stories are particularly informative when they stand in contrast to an outlet's typically congenial slant.

A super MHV vertex expansion for n=4 SYM theory

Date: 2009-07-06

Creator: Michael Kiermaier, Stephen G. Naculich

Access: Open access

We present a supersymmetric generalization of the MHV vertex expansion for all tree amplitudes in = 4 SYM theory. In addition to the choice of a reference spinor, this super MHV vertex expansion also depends on four reference Grassmann parameters. We demonstrate that a significant fraction of diagrams in the expansion vanishes for a judicious choice of these Grassmann parameters, which simplifies the computation of amplitudes. Even pure-gluon amplitudes require fewer diagrams than in the ordinary MHV vertex expansion. We show that the super MHV vertex expansion arises from the recursion relation associated with a holomorphic all-line supershift. This is a supersymmetric generalization of the holomorphic all-line shift recently introduced in arXiv:0811.3624. We study the large-z behavior of generating functions under these all-line supershifts, and find that they generically provide 1/z k falloff at (Next-to) kMHV level. In the case of anti-MHV generating functions, we find that a careful choice of shift parameters guarantees a stronger 1/z k+4 falloff. These particular all-line supershifts may therefore play an important role in extending the super MHV vertex expansion to = 8 supergravity. © SISSA 2009.

Assessment of temperament in children: Translation of instruments to portuguese (Brazil) language

Date: 2009-12-01

Creator: Vivian Caroline Klein, Samuel P. Putnam, Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares

Access: Open access

International research has increasingly considered temperament as a relevant personal variable in child developmental pathways. The purpose of the present study was to describe the methodology for translation to Portuguese (Brazil) of three child temperament assessment instruments based on Rothbart's theoretical approach. An original translation was modified, based on feedback by two professional translators, three bilingual psychologists, and a sample of 15 Brazilian mothers. A backtranslation by a professional translator was then assessed by the authors of the original (English language) instruments. For the final version of the measure, authors of the original instrument judged that 100% of items were consistent with the original items, and a second sample of 15 Brazilian mothers identified no problems with the Portuguese items.