Faculty Scholarship
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Items
Using the very short form of the children’s behavior questionnaire for spanish-speaking populations in low-and middle-income countries: A psychometric analysis of dichotomized variables
Date: 2021-02-01
Creator: Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios, Sonia Mariel Suarez-Enciso, Samuel P. Putnam, Helen Raikes, Sergi, Fàbregues
Access: Open access
- While the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Very Short Form of the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ-VSF) have been assessed in the US and Europe in samples composed of middle-and high-income parents with high levels of education, no studies have tested the instrument in low-income Spanish-speaking populations living in low-and middleincome countries. To fill this gap, our cross-sectional study assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the CBQ-VSF version in a sample of 315 low-income and low-educated parents with preschool children living in the Caribbean Region of Colombia. While our findings revealed problems that were similar to those identified in previous assessments of the CBQ-VSF Spanish version, they also showed unique problems related to the sociodemographic characteristics of our sample, containing many individuals with a low income and low educational level. Most of the participants gave extreme responses, resulting in a notable kurtosis and skewness of the data. This article describes how we addressed these problems by dichotomizing the variables into binary categories. Additionally, it demonstrates that merely translating the CBQ-VSF is insufficient to be able to capture many of the underlying latent constructs associated with low-income and low-educated Latino/Hispanic populations.
The (Far) Backstory of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Date: 2013-10-10
Creator: Stephen Meardon
Access: Open access
- In two pairs of episodes, first in 1824 and 1846 and then in 1892 and 1935, similar U.S.-Colombia trade agreements or their enabling laws were embraced first by protectionists and then by free traders. The history of the episodes supports the view that although political institutions exist to curb de facto political power, such power may be wielded to undo the institutions’ intended effects. The doctrinal affinities and interests of political actors are more decisive determinants of the free-trade or protectionist orientation of trade agreements than the agreements’ texts or legal superstructures. The long delay from signing to passage of the current U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement is another case in point.
“Fanny Buitrago: La magia de contar historias”. A Body of One’s Own: Conversations with Caribbean and Latina Writers
Date: 2007-01-01
Creator: Nadia V. Celis Salgado, Fanny Buitrago
Access: Open access