Faculty Scholarship
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An architecture for emotional decision-making agents
Date: 2002-01-01
Creator: Eric Chown, Randolph M. Jones, Amy E. Henninger
Access: Open access
- Our research focuses on complex agents that are capable of interacting with their environments in ways that are increasingly similar to individual humans. In this article we describe a cognitive architecture for an interactive decision-making agent with emotions. The primary goal of this work is to make the decision-making process of complex agents more realistic with regard to the behavior moderators, including emotional factors that affect humans. Instead of uniform agents that rely entirely on a deterministic body of expertise to make their decisions, the decision making process of our agents will vary according to select emotional factors affecting the agent as well as the agent's parameterized emotional profile. The premise of this model is that emotions serve as a kind of automatic assessment system that can guide or otherwise influence the more deliberative decision making process. The primary components of this emotional system are pleasure/pain and clarity/confusion subsystems that differentiate between positive and negative states. These, in turn, feed into an arousal system that interfaces with the decision-making system. We are testing our model using synthetic special-forces agents in a reconnaissance simulation.