Honors Projects
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Sensitivity Analysis of Basins of Attraction for Nelder-Mead
Date: 2022-01-01
Creator: Sonia K. Shah
Access: Open access
- The Nelder-Mead optimization method is a numerical method used to find the minimum of an objective function in a multidimensional space. In this paper, we use this method to study functions - specifically functions with three-dimensional graphs - and create images of the basin of attraction of the function. Three different methods are used to create these images named the systematic point method, randomized centroid method, and systemized centroid method. This paper applies these methods to different functions. The first function has two minima with an equivalent function value. The second function has one global minimum and one local minimum. The last function studied has several minima of different function values. The systematic point method is a reliable method in particular scenarios but is extremely sensitive to changes in the initial simplex. The randomized centroid method was not found to be useful as the basin of attraction images are difficult to understand. This made it particularly troublesome to know when the method was working effectively and when it was not. The systemized centroid method appears to be the most precise and effective method at creating the basin of attraction in most cases. This method rarely fails to find a minimum and is particularly adept at finding global minima more effectively compared to local minima. It is important to remember that these conclusions are simply based off the results of the methods and functions studied and that more effective methods may exist.