Honors Projects

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Items

Miniature of All That Influences the Condition of Women: The Moral Foundations of Female Education in Tocqueville and Rousseau
All That Influences the Condition of Women: The Moral Foundations of Female Education in Tocqueville and Rousseau
This record is embargoed.
    • Embargo End Date: 2026-05-20

    Date: 2021-01-01

    Creator: Nicole Danielle Tjin A Djie

    Access: Embargoed

      Miniature of Beyond Religion: Reframing Liberal Democracy’s Treatment of Exemptions Within the Public-Private Separation
      Beyond Religion: Reframing Liberal Democracy’s Treatment of Exemptions Within the Public-Private Separation
      This record is embargoed.
        • Embargo End Date: 2027-05-16

        Date: 2024-01-01

        Creator: Julianna Brown

        Access: Embargoed

          Miniature of Parole lievitanti: La panificazione spirituale di S. Caterina di Bologna
          Parole lievitanti: La panificazione spirituale di S. Caterina di Bologna
          This record is embargoed.
            • Embargo End Date: 2027-05-19

            Date: 2022-01-01

            Creator: Katherine Aiello McKee

            Access: Embargoed

              A Moderated-Mediation Model of Emerging Adult and Parent Religiosity, Externalizing Behavior, and Parenting Style

              Date: 2021-01-01

              Creator: Benjamin M. Simonds

              Access: Open access

              The present study investigated whether emerging adult religiosity mediated the relationship between high parental religiosity and low levels of offspring externalizing, and whether these pathways are moderated by aspects of authoritative parenting (i.e., acceptance, firm control, and psychological autonomy). Surveys were completed by 275 emerging adults aged 18-25, including scales assessing their religiosity, the religiosity of their parents, the style of parenting in which they were raised, and their own engagement in externalizing behaviors. Results indicated a correlation between high levels of parental and emerging adult religiosity, and a marginal relationship between high parental religiosity and reduced offspring externalizing. However, emerging adult religiosity was not related to externalizing, such that no mediation model could be tested. Psychological autonomy granting moderated the relationship between parental religiosity and emerging adult externalizing: low parental religiosity was associated with high levels of emerging adult externalizing only in parents who exhibited low levels of psychological autonomy granting, while high parental religiosity was related to low emerging adult externalizing regardless of psychological autonomy granting. The results indicate a complex relationship between parenting, externalizing, and religiosity.