Showing 101 - 110 of 564 Items

Investigating the role of eyes absent in photoreceptor axon targeting in Drosophila melanogaster

Date: 2021-01-01

Creator: Bethany J. Thach

Access: Open access

The eya gene is essential to development of the Drosophila visual system and eye-specific loss of function mutations in the gene commonly result in the missing eye phenotype. The eya2m35g mutation carries a deletion of exon 1B and adjacent regulatory sequences. Flies carrying the eya2m35g allele exhibit a photoreceptor axon phenotype that has not previously been associated with the eya gene. To determine a potential role for eya in photoreceptor axon targeting, I characterized various phenotypes of eya2m35g mutants and generated additional eya alleles consisting of smaller deletions within the eya2m35g mutation to locate the genetic source of axonal disruption. Using immunofluorescence staining to visualize Eya protein, I found a loss of eya expression in the optic lobe region of eya2m35g stage 9 embryos and third instar larvae. I also observed a loss of retinal basal glial (RBG) cells in the larval eye disc. Finally, I demonstrated that the disconnected axon phenotype is generated when a region of the intron immediately downstream of exon 1B is deleted. These findings suggest that a possible regulatory element for eya that is essential for photoreceptor axon targeting exists in this intronic region.

Midterm Decline in Comparative Perspective

Date: 2019-05-01

Creator: Duncan Gans

Access: Open access

The Jewish “Other” in Argentina: Antisemitism, Exclusion, and the Formation of Argentine Nationalism and Identity in the 20th Century and during Military Rule (1976-1983)

Date: 2021-01-01

Creator: Marcus Helble

Access: Open access

Throughout the 20th century, Argentine leaders and social actors attempted to shape distinct national identities and a sense of nationalism that corresponded to their respective political ideologies. Beginning in the first couple decades of the 20th century, the formation of a Jewish “other” would be central to the construction of both Argentine national identity and nationalism. This thesis argues that the military dictatorship that led the country from 1976 to 1983 built on this othering of the Jewish community as military leaders sought to forge a national identity linked to Catholicism. It focuses first on three separate periods of the early and mid-20th centuries and how governments in that period built, maintained, and altered the view of the Jewish community as a not fully Argentine “other” living in the country. Using several editions of a far-right antisemitic periodical, declassified State Department documents, and testimonies of Jewish political prisoners and soldiers, the thesis transitions to focus on the military dictatorship of the 1970s and 1980s. It examines two separate periods of the dictatorship, highlighting first the role antisemitic beliefs, and opposing such views, had in an internal power struggle within the military government. In the second period of the dictatorship, during the Malvinas (Falklands) War, the thesis examines how antisemitism became a central part of the military’s efforts to consolidate a sense of national unity during the conflict, even as Jews participated largely for the first time within Argentine nationalism and the military.

Effects of octopamine and tyramine on the cardiac system of the lobster, Homarus americanus

Date: 2019-05-01

Creator: Casey Breslow

Access: Open access

Modulation in neural systems is important for regulating physiology and behavior (Wright et al., 2010). Peptides, hormones, and amines are common neural modulators, acting on many neural systems across species. One group of neural networks that can be regulated are central pattern generators (CPGs), which generate rhythmic neural patterns, which drive behaviors (Marder and Bucher, 2001). Octopamine, and its precursor tyramine, are two amines that have been found to regulate (CPGs) across species (Cooke, 2002; Fussnecker et al., 2006). One role of octopamine in the decapod neurogenic heart is regulating the frequency and the duration of heart beats. However, the precise site of octopamine modulation within the cardiac system is not yet known (Kurumoto and Ebara, 1991). One possible site of action is the cardiac ganglion (CG), the CPG in decapod hearts. The transcripts for the enzymes required to synthesize octopamine from tyramine have been identified and localized in the CG (Christie et al., 2018). This would suggest that octopamine is produced in the CG, where it could have a direct action on those neurons, or it could be released peripherally. We have found individual variation in the response to octopamine and its precursor tyramine, and significant effects of frequency and contraction amplitude in the whole heart.

Traders and Troublemakers: Sovereignty in Southern Morocco at the End of the 19th Century

Date: 2020-01-01

Creator: Joseph Campbell Hilleary

Access: Open access

This thesis explores changes in and challenges to Moroccan political authority in the region of the Sous during the late nineteenth century. It attempts to show how the phenomenon of British informal empire created a crisis over Moroccan sovereignty that caused the sultan to both materially and discursively change the way he wielded power in southern Morocco. It further connects these changes and the narrative contestation that accompanied them to the construction of the Bilad al-Siba/Bilad al-Makhzan dichotomy found in Western academic literature on Morocco starting in the colonial period. It begins with an examination of letters between Sultan Hassan I and local leaders in the Sous that show a shift toward a more bureaucratic form of governance in response to repeated openings of black-market ports by British trading companies. It then investigates the textual debate over the framing of Hassan I’s military expeditions to southern Morocco in the 1880s and 90s by drawing on a collection of European travel accounts, American consular reports, and a royal Moroccan history. Finally, it ties the illegal trade in the Sous to the broader theory of informal empire through a close examination of the Tourmaline Incident of 1897, using documents from the British Foreign Office as well as published accounts by crew members aboard the Tourmaline, itself.

Miniature of Tension production and sarcomere length in lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac muscles: the mechanisms underlying mechanical anisotropy
Tension production and sarcomere length in lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac muscles: the mechanisms underlying mechanical anisotropy
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      Date: 2019-05-01

      Creator: Matthew Maguire

      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

        The role of behavioral diversity in determining the extent to which the cardiac ganglion is modulated in three species of crab

        Date: 2020-01-01

        Creator: Grace Bukowski-Thall

        Access: Open access

        Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that generate the rhythmic outputs that control behaviors such as locomotion, respiration, and chewing. The stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), which contains the CPGs that control foregut movement, and the cardiac ganglion (CG), which is a CPG that controls heartbeat, are two commonly studied systems in decapod crustaceans. Neuromodulators are locally or hormonally released neuropeptides and amines that change the output patterns of CPGs like the STNS and CG to allow behavioral flexibility. We have hypothesized that neuromodulation provides a substrate for the evolution of behavioral flexibility, and as a result, systems exhibiting more behavioral flexibility are modulated to a greater degree. To examine this hypothesis, we evaluated the extent to which the STNS and the CG are modulated in the majoid crab species Chionoecetes opilio, Libinia emarginata, and Pugettia producta. C. opilio and L. emarginata are opportunistic feeders, whereas P. producta has a highly specialized kelp diet. We predicted that opportunistic feeding crabs that chew and process a wide variety of food types would exhibit greater STNS neuromodulatory capacity than those with a specialized diet. The STNS of L. emarginata and C. opilio responded to the seven endogenous neuromodulators oxotremorine, dopamine, CabTrp Ia, CCAP, myosuppressin, proctolin, and RPCH, whereas the STNS of P. producta only responded to proctolin, oxotremorine, myosuppressin, RPCH (25% of the time), variably to dopamine, and not at all to CabTrp and CCAP. Because P. producta, L. emarginata, and C. opilio all belong to the Majoidea superfamily, their primary distinctions are their feeding habits. For this reason, we further predicted that there would be no relationship between diet and modulatory capacity in the cardiac ganglion (CG) of the neurogenic heart. This would suggest that a lack of STNS modulatory capacity in P. producta relative to L. emarginata and C. opilio is specific to evolved foregut function. Whole-heart recordings from P. producta indicated that, unlike the STNS, the CG responds to CabTrp and CCAP. P. producta hearts also responded to oxotremorine and inconsistently to dopamine and proctolin. The CG of C. opilio was modulated by CabTrp, CCAP, dopamine, proctolin, myosuppressin, and oxotremorine, but not RPCH. The CG of L. emarginata responded to CCAP, and inconsistently to CabTrp, dopamine, and proctolin, but not to myosuppressin, RPCH, and surprisingly oxotremorine. Although cardiac responses were not identical between species, opportunistic and specialist feeders responded more similarly to the modulators tested in the heart than in the STNS. Notably, P. producta responded to each modulator in a similar manner to C. opilio and/or L. emarginata. However, L. emarginata’s surprising lack of cardiac response to oxotremorine suggests that phylogenetic closeness may not control for differences in CG and STNS function between species. Nevertheless, sample sizes of all three species were quite small, and individual differences lead to inconsistencies in the data. As a result, sample size must be enlarged to draw firm conclusions.

        Spatially variable syn- and post-orogenic exhumation of the Appalachian Mountains from apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology

        Date: 2020-01-01

        Creator: Luke Coughtry Basler

        Access: Open access

        We present zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He (ZHe, closure temperature = 150-200ºC; AHe, closure temperature = 45-80ºC) results from two study regions in the Appalachians Mountains to investigate the timing, rates, and spatial trends of exhumation during Alleghanian orogenesis, Atlantic rifting, and post-rift passive margin conditions. Within West Virginia and Virginia, 10 ZHe dates along an across-orogen transect display an eastward younging trend, from ~425 million years (Ma) in the western Appalachian Plateau province, to ~250-300 Ma in the central Valley-Ridge fold-thrust belt, and 163 ± 29 Ma in the eastern Piedmont. Inverse thermal modeling of ZHe data using external geologic constraints indicates: (1) Pre-depositional cooling signatures within Pennsylvanian Appalachian Plateau rocks, suggesting provenance from recycled Taconic or Acadian basin strata, (2) Rapid Alleghanian (250-300 Ma) cooling in the Valley and Ridge province, indicating syn-orogenic uplift and exhumation, followed by a protracted period of stable syn-rift thermal conditions from ~250-150 Ma, and (3) Rapid rift-induced cooling in the Piedmont province, likely caused by rift-flank uplift and the post-rift lessening of the geothermal gradient. Within the Northern Appalachians of Vermont, four metamorphic samples yield averaged AHe dates of 100-120 Ma. Inverse thermal modeling indicates stable thermal conditions from 90 Ma to the present, limiting cooling driven by the recently recognized Northern Appalachian lithospheric thermal anomaly to < 20ºC. Modeling also indicates steady mid-Cretaceous (120-90 Ma) cooling (70 to 30ºC) coeval with passage over the Great Meteor Hotspot, although cooling rates are slower than would be expected during hotspot-induced thermal doming.

        Miniature of They Used to Be Castles
        They Used to Be Castles
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            Date: 2021-01-01

            Creator: Lily Anna Fullam

            Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

              Miniature of Protein Transition: Alternative Proteins and Policy Pathways to a More Sustainable Diet in the United States
              Protein Transition: Alternative Proteins and Policy Pathways to a More Sustainable Diet in the United States
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                • Embargo End Date: 2025-05-14

                Date: 2020-01-01

                Creator: Anna Barnes

                Access: Embargoed