Showing 131 - 140 of 733 Items

Prediction of a neuropeptidome for the eyestalk ganglia of the lobster Homarus americanus using a tissue-specific de novo assembled transcriptome

Date: 2017-03-01

Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Vittoria Roncalli, Matthew C. Cieslak, Micah G. Pascual, Andy, Yu, Tess J. Lameyer, Meredith E. Stanhope, Patsy S. Dickinson

Access: Open access

In silico transcriptome mining is a powerful tool for crustacean peptidome prediction. Using homology-based BLAST searches and a simple bioinformatics workflow, large peptidomes have recently been predicted for a variety of crustaceans, including the lobster, Homarus americanus. Interestingly, no in silico studies have been conducted on the eyestalk ganglia (lamina ganglionaris, medulla externa, medulla interna and medulla terminalis) of the lobster, although the eyestalk is the location of a major neuroendocrine complex, i.e., the X-organ-sinus gland system. Here, an H. americanus eyestalk ganglia-specific transcriptome was produced using the de novo assembler Trinity. This transcriptome was generated from 130,973,220 Illumina reads and consists of 147,542 unique contigs. Eighty-nine neuropeptide-encoding transcripts were identified from this dataset, allowing for the deduction of 62 distinct pre/preprohormones. Two hundred sixty-two neuropeptides were predicted from this set of precursors; the peptides include members of the adipokinetic hormone-corazonin-like peptide, allatostatin A, allatostatin B, allatostatin C, bursicon α, CCHamide, corazonin, crustacean cardioactive peptide, crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), CHH precursor-related peptide, diuretic hormone 31, diuretic hormone 44, eclosion hormone, elevenin, FMRFamide-like peptide, glycoprotein hormone α2, glycoprotein hormone β5, GSEFLamide, intocin, leucokinin, molt-inhibiting hormone, myosuppressin, neuroparsin, neuropeptide F, orcokinin, orcomyotropin, pigment dispersing hormone, proctolin, pyrokinin, red pigment concentrating hormone, RYamide, short neuropeptide F, SIFamide, sulfakinin, tachykinin-related peptide and trissin families. The predicted peptides expand the H. americanus eyestalk ganglia neuropeptidome approximately 7-fold, and include 78 peptides new to the lobster. The transcriptome and predicted neuropeptidome described here provide new resources for investigating peptidergic signaling within/from the lobster eyestalk ganglia.

Wave transmission in time- and space-variant helicoidal phononic crystals

Date: 2014-11-04

Creator: F. Li, C. Chong, J. Yang, P. G. Kevrekidis, C., Daraio

Access: Open access

We present a dynamically tunable mechanism of wave transmission in one-dimensional helicoidal phononic crystals in a shape similar to DNA structures. These helicoidal architectures allow slanted nonlinear contact among cylindrical constituents, and the relative torsional movements can dynamically tune the contact stiffness between neighboring cylinders. This results in cross-talking between in-plane torsional and out-of-plane longitudinal waves. We numerically demonstrate their versatile wave mixing and controllable dispersion behavior in both wavenumber and frequency domains. Based on this principle, a suggestion toward an acoustic configuration bearing parallels to a transistor is further proposed, in which longitudinal waves can be switched on and off through torsional waves.

The peptide hormone pQDLDHVFLRFamide (crustacean myosuppressin) modulates the Homarus americanus cardiac neuromuscular system at multiple sites

Date: 2009-12-15

Creator: J. S. Stevens, C. R. Cashman, C. M. Smith, K. M. Beale, D. W., Towle, A. E. Christie, P. S. Dickinson

Access: Open access

pQDLDHVFLRFamide is a highly conserved crustacean neuropeptide with a structure that places it within the myosuppressin subfamily of the FMRFamide-like peptides. Despite its apparent ubiquitous conservation in decapod crustaceans, the paracrine and/or endocrine roles played by pQDLDHVFLRFamide remain largely unknown. We have examined the actions of this peptide on the cardiac neuromuscular system of the American lobster Homarus americanus using four preparations: the intact animal, the heart in vitro, the isolated cardiac ganglion (CG), and a stimulated heart muscle preparation. In the intact animal, injection of myosuppressin caused a decrease in heartbeat frequency. Perfusion of the in vitro heart with pQDLDHVFLRFamide elicited a decrease in the frequency and an increase in the amplitude of heart contractions. In the isolated CG, myosuppressin induced a hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potential of cardiac motor neurons and a decrease in the cycle frequency of their bursting. In the stimulated heart muscle preparation, pQDLDHVFLRFamide increased the amplitude of the induced contractions, suggesting that myosuppressin modulates not only the CG, but also peripheral sites. For at least the in vitro heart and the isolated CG, the effects of myosuppressin were dose-dependent (10 -9 to 10-6mol l-1 tested), with threshold concentrations (10-8-10-7 mol l-1) consistent with the peptide serving as a circulating hormone. Although cycle frequency, a parameter directly determined by the CG, consistently decreased when pQDLDHVFLRFamide was applied to all preparation types, the magnitudes of this decrease differed, suggesting the possibility that, because myosuppressin modulates the CG and the periphery, it also alters peripheral feedback to the CG.

Identification, physiological actions, and distribution of TPSGFLGMRamide: A novel tachykinin-related peptide from the midgut and stomatogastric nervous system of Cancer crabs

Date: 2007-06-01

Creator: Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Braulio Peguero, Emily A. Bruns, Patsy S. Dickinson, Andrew E., Christie

Access: Open access

In most invertebrates, multiple species-specific isoforms of tachykinin-related peptide (TRP) are common. In contrast, only a single conserved TRP isoform, APSGFLGMRamide, has been documented in decapod crustaceans, leading to the hypothesis that it is the sole TRP present in this arthropod order. Previous studies of crustacean TRPs have focused on neuronal tissue, but the recent demonstration of TRPs in midgut epithelial cells in Cancer species led us to question whether other TRPs are present in the gut, as is the case in insects. Using direct tissue matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry, in combination with sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation, we found that at least one additional TRP is present in Cancer irroratus, Cancer borealis, Cancer magister, and Cancer productus. The novel TRP isoform, TPSGFLGMRamide, was present not only in the midgut, but also in the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS). In addition, we identified an unprocessed TRP precursor APSGFLGMRG, which was detected in midgut tissues only. TRP immunohistochemistry, in combination with preadsorption studies, suggests that APSGFLGMRamide and TPSGFLGMRamide are co-localized in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG), which is contained within the STNS. Exogenous application of TPSGFLGMRamide to the STG elicited a pyloric motor pattern that was identical to that elicited by APSGFLGMRamide, whereas APSGFLGMRG did not alter the pyloric motor pattern. © 2007 The Authors.

Collapse of a rotating supermassive star to a supermassive black hole: Post-Newtonian simulations

Date: 2002-01-01

Creator: M. Saijo, T.W. Baumgarte, S.L. Shapiro, M. Shibata

Access: Open access

Sea star inspired crawling and bouncing

Date: 2020-01-01

Creator: Sina Heydari, Amy Johnson, Olaf Ellers, Matthew J. McHenry, Eva, Kanso

Access: Open access

The oral surface of sea stars is lined with arrays of tube feet that enable them to achieve highly controlled locomotion on various terrains. The activity of the tube feet is orchestrated by a nervous system that is distributed throughout the body without a central brain. How such a distributed nervous system produces a coordinated locomotion is yet to be understood. We develop mathematical models of the biomechanics of the tube feet and the sea star body. In the model, the feet are coupled mechanically through their structural connection to a rigid body. We formulate hierarchical control laws that capture salient features of the sea star nervous system. Namely, at the tube foot level, the power and recovery strokes follow a state-dependent feedback controller. At the system level, a directionality command is communicated through the nervous system to all tube feet. We study the locomotion gaits afforded by this hierarchical control model. We find that these minimally coupled tube feet coordinate to generate robust forward locomotion, reminiscent of the crawling motion of sea stars, on various terrains and for heterogeneous tube feet parameters and initial conditions. Our model also predicts a transition from crawling to bouncing consistently with recent experiments. We conclude by commenting on the implications of these findings for understanding the neuromechanics of sea stars and their potential application to autonomous robotic systems.

The validity of the kdv approximation in case of resonances arising from periodic media

Date: 2011-11-15

Creator: Christopher Chong, Guido Schneider

Access: Open access

It is the purpose of this short note to discuss some aspects of the validity question concerning the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) approximation for periodic media. For a homogeneous model possessing the same resonance structure as it arises in periodic media we prove the validity of the KdV approximation with the help of energy estimates. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


Date: 2020-02-01

Creator: Daniel F. Stone

Access: Open access

I present a model of affective polarization—growth in hostility over time between two parties—via quasi-Bayesian inference. In the model, two agents repeatedly choose actions. Each choice is based on a balance of concerns for private interests and the social good. More weight is put on private interests when an agent's character is intrinsically more self-serving and when the other agent is believed to be more self-serving. Each agent Bayesian updates about the other's character, and dislikes the other more when she is perceived as more self-serving. I characterize the effects on growth in dislike of three biases: a prior bias against the other agent's character, the false consensus bias, and limited strategic thinking. Prior bias against the other's character remains constant or declines over time, and actions do not diverge. The other two biases cause actions to become more extreme over time and repeatedly be “worse” than expected, causing mutual growth in dislike, that is, affective polarization. The magnitude of dislike can become arbitrarily large—even when both players are arbitrarily “good” (unselfish). The results imply that seemingly irrelevant cognitive biases can be an important cause of the devolution of relationships, in politics and beyond, and that subtlety and unawareness of bias can be key factors driving the degree of polarization.

Reference Points, Prospect Theory, and Momentum on the PGA Tour

Date: 2016-06-01

Creator: Daniel F. Stone, Jeremy Arkes

Access: Open access

Pope and Schweitzer (2011) study predictions of prospect theory for the reference point of par on the current hole in professional golf. We study prospect-theory predictions of three other plausible reference points: par for recent holes, for the round, and for the tournament. A potentially competing force is momentum in quality of play, that is, the hot or cold hand. While prospect theory predicts negative serial correlation in better (worse)-than-average performance across holes, the hot (cold) hand implies the opposite. We find evidence that, for each of the reference points we study, when scores are better than par, hot-hand effects are dominated by prospect-theory effects. These effects can occur via two mechanisms: greater conservatism or less effort. We find evidence that the former (latter) dominates for scores closer to (further from) the reference point. We also find evidence of prospect theory effects (greater risk seeking) when scores are worse than par for the round in Round 1 and of cold-hand effects for scores worse than par for the tournament in Round 3. The magnitudes of some of the joint effects are comparable to those found by Pope and Schweitzer and other related papers. We conclude by discussing how, rather than compete, prospect-theory and cold-hand forces might also cause one another.

Holocene peatland carbon dynamics in the circum-Arctic region: An introduction

Date: 2014-01-01

Creator: Zicheng Yu, Julie Loisel, Daniel J. Charman, David W. Beilman, Philip, Camill

Access: Open access

Peatlands represent the largest and most concentrated carbon pool in the terrestrial biosphere, and their dynamics during the Holocene have had significant impacts on the global carbon cycle. In this Introduction paper, we provide an overview of the contributions presented in this Special Issue on Holocene peatland carbon dynamics. We also provide a brief history and current status of peat-core-based research on peatland carbon dynamics. Finally, we identify and discuss some challenges and opportunities that would guide peatland carbon research in the near future. These challenges and opportunities include the need to fill data gaps and increase geographic representations of peat carbon accumulation records, a better understanding of peatland lateral expansion process and improved estimate of peatland area change over time, developing regional carbon accumulation histories and carbon pool estimates, and projecting and quantifying overall peatland net carbon balance in a changing world.