Showing 2121 - 2130 of 5708 Items

Level-rank duality of the U(N) WZW model, Chern-Simons theory, and 2d qYM theory

Date: 2007-06-01

Creator: Stephen G. Naculich, Howard J. Schnitzer

Access: Open access

We study the WZW, Chern-Simons, and 2d qYM theories with gauge group U(N). The U(N) WZW model is only well-defined for odd level K, and this model is shown to exhibit level-rank duality in a much simpler form than that for SU(N). The U(N) Chern-Simons theory on Seifert manifolds exhibits a similar duality, distinct from the level-rank duality of SU(N) Chern-Simons theory on S 3. When q ≤ e2πi/(N+K), the observables of the 2d U(N) qYM theory can be expressed as a sum over a finite subset of U(N) representations. When N and K are odd, the qYM theory exhibits N K duality, provided q ≤ e2πi/(N+K) and θ ≤ 0 mod 2π/(N + K). © SISSA 2007.

Computing word length in alternate presentations of thompson's group F

Date: 2009-12-01

Creator: Matthew Horak, Melanie Stein, Jennifer Taback

Access: Open access

We introduce a new method for computing the word length of an element of Thompson's group F with respect to a "consecutive" generating set of the form Xn = {x0,x1, ⋯, xn}, which is a subset of the standard infinite generating set for F. We use this method to show that (F, Xn) is not almost convex, and has pockets of increasing, though bounded, depth dependent on n. © 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company.

After Atget: Todd Webb Photographs New York and Paris

Date: 2011-01-01

Creator: Diana K. Tuite

Access: Open access

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art Oct. 28, 2011 through January 29, 2012. Essay entitled: Signs of the city / by Diana Tuite.

N,N’-Dimethyimidazolium-2-Carboxylate as a Ligand Precursor for the Accession of a Constrained Olefin Dimerization Catalyst

Date: 2020-01-01

Creator: Michael Harris

Access: Open access

A significant market share of modern plastics is held by long-chain hydrocarbon polymers, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, properties of which can be dramatically changed by addition of linear α-olefins. Production of linear α-olefins involves the creation of many unwanted byproducts, representing significant quantities of both economic and ecological waste. While catalysts have been designed to selectively produce industrially useful olefins, these catalysts often encounter challenges such as synthesis of other unwanted byproducts, slow reaction times, and difficulty of synthesis. Based on one such prior catalyst, we report here synthetic work towards a cobalt catalyst with a constrained N-heterocyclic carbene supporting ligand predicted to allow for more favorable product distributions. Synthesis of two precursors to a sterically unhindered N-heterocyclic carbene, as well as development of a synthetic protocol for the coordination of N,N’- dimethylimidazolium-2-carboxylate to Cp*Co(ethene)2 was completed. Activation of the precatalyst and preliminary catalytic experiments were performed, though abbreviated research periods made complete analysis impossible. Finally, we report evidence of the formation of a novel cobalt-NHC dimer as a temperature controlled byproduct of the desired catalyst synthesis.

Cone types and geodesic languages for lamplighter groups and Thompson's group F

Date: 2006-09-15

Creator: Sean Cleary, Murray Elder, Jennifer Taback

Access: Open access

We study languages of geodesics in lamplighter groups and Thompson's group F. We show that the lamplighter groups Ln have infinitely many cone types, have no regular geodesic languages, and have 1-counter, context-free and counter geodesic languages with respect to certain generating sets. We show that the full language of geodesics with respect to one generating set for the lamplighter group is not counter but is context-free, while with respect to another generating set the full language of geodesics is counter and context-free. In Thompson's group F with respect to the standard finite generating set, we show there are infinitely many cone types and that there is no regular language of geodesics. We show that the existence of families of "seesaw" elements with respect to a given generating set in a finitely generated infinite group precludes a regular language of geodesics and guarantees infinitely many cone types with respect to that generating set. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Winslow Homer's Work in Black and White: Selected Works from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Date: 1975-01-01

Access: Open access

Exhibition catalogue Bowdoin College, Museum of Art.

Miniature of “One of Folly’s Failures”: <i>Plessy v. Ferguson</i> (1896) and the Decline of the Thirteenth Amendment
“One of Folly’s Failures”: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and the Decline of the Thirteenth Amendment
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    • Embargo End Date: 2025-05-14

    Date: 2020-01-01

    Creator: Grace Ann Fenwick

    Access: Embargoed