Showing 2601 - 2610 of 5708 Items

Bowdoin College Catalogue (1899-1900)

Date: 1900-01-01

Access: Open access

Language of the Print: A Selection from the Donald H. Karshan Collection

Date: 1968-01-01

Creator: Richard V. West

Access: Open access

Exhibition organized by Bowdoin College Museum of Art. "Participating museums: Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massachusetts [and other museums] ... 1968-1969."

Statements by Individuals

This series includes audio and video recordings, as well as related transcripts, of all unrestricted statements by individuals that are part of the TRC archives. Statement providers include Wabanaki elders, children once in foster care and their family members, foster and adoptive parents, tribal leaders, service providers, incarcerated people, attorneys and judges, caseworkers, and administrators from the tribes and from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Some statement providers requested anonymity, and in those cases, both the transcripts and recordings have been altered to protect participants' identities.

These personal memories provide a window into the realities of the relationship between Wabanaki people and the state of Maine. As evidenced by the recordings themselves, the process of providing statements was often an emotional one for participants. Readers should be aware that many of the statements contain challenging and disturbing content. The statements are made available online with the hope that broader access to these important historical records will further our understanding of this difficult past and lead to improved child welfare practices for Wabanaki families.

Bowdoin does not hold copyright for these materials. They are made available for research and educational purposes, and with the permission of the TRC and individual statement providers. For all uses outside of "fair use" (as defined by Title 17, United States Code), including derivation, publication, and reproduction, researchers must secure permission from the copyright holders, typically the individual statement providers.

For More Information

If you have questions or concerns about your statement, or if you need research assistance, please contact the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives at or calling 207.725.3288

Visit the website of Wabanaki REACH to stay up to date on the work to implement the Commission’s recommendations. If you participated in the TRC and need support, or if you wish to contribute to the archive by providing a statement, please contact Wabanaki REACH at 207.615.3189

Please also read Wabanaki REACH's statement of support issued upon the release of the archives.

A related series of Statements collected at Focus Group meetings is also available.

Colonial & Federal Portraits at Bowdoin College

Date: 1966-01-01

Creator: Marvin S. Sadik

Access: Open access

"Set in type at the Anthoensen Press ... designed by Leonard Baskin"--Colophon

Modernism at Bowdoin: American Paintings from 1900 to 1940

Date: 2011-01-01

Creator: Joachim Homann

Access: Open access

The catalog of the exhibition includes works drawn from the collection of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art and selected paintings on loan from the Yale University Art Gallery. Exhibition held in the Boyd Gallery, Jan. 12-June 26, 2011.

Thermodynamics of the localized D2-D6 system

Date: 2005-05-02

Creator: Marta Gómez-Reino, Stephen G. Naculich, Howard J. Schnitzer

Access: Open access

An exact fully-localized extremal supergravity solution for N2 D2-branes and N6 D6-branes, which is dual to 3-dimensional supersymmetric SU(N2) gauge theory with N6 fundamentals, was found by Cherkis and Hashimoto. In order to consider the thermal properties of the gauge theory we present the non-extremal extension of this solution to first order in an expansion near the core of the D6-branes. We compute the Hawking temperature and the black-brane horizon area/entropy. The leading-order entropy, which is proportional to N23/2N61/2 TH2, is not corrected to first order in the expansion. This result is consistent with the analogous weak-coupling result at the correspondence point N2 ∼ N6. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Miniature of Characterization of an <i>Arabidopsis thaliana </i>Adhesion Mutant
Characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana Adhesion Mutant
This record is embargoed.
    • Embargo End Date: 2025-05-14

    Date: 2020-01-01

    Creator: Jacob Dexter-Meldrum

    Access: Embargoed

      Bowdoin College Catalogue (1903-1904)

      Date: 1904-01-01

      Access: Open access

      Requirement for the induced expression of a cell wall associated receptor kinase for survival during the pathogen response

      Date: 1998-04-01

      Creator: Zheng Hui He, Deze He, Bruce D. Kohorn

      Access: Open access

      Pathogen infection of angiosperms must rely on some interaction between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the invading agent, and may be accompanied by signaling between the ECM and cytoplasm. An Arabidopsis cell wall associated receptor kinase (Wak1) has an amino-terminal domain that is tightly associated with the ECM, spans the plasma membrane and has a cytoplasmic protein kinase domain. Wak1 expression is induced when Arabidopsis plants are infected with pathogen, or when the pathogen response is stimulated either by exogenous salicylate (SA) or its analog 2,2-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA). This Wak1 induction requires the positive regulator NPR1/NIM1. Thus Wak1 is a pathogen-related (PR) protein. Expression of an antisense and a dominant negative allele of Wak1 shows that induced expression of Wak1 is needed for a plant to survive if stimulated by INA. Ectopic expression of the entire Wak1, or the kinase domain alone, can provide resistance to otherwise lethal SA levels. These experiments suggest that Wak1 expression and other PR proteins are protecting plants from detrimental effects incurred during the pathogen response. These results provide a direct link between a protein kinase that could mediate signals from the ECM, to the events that are precipitated by a pathogen infection.

      Report of the President, Bowdoin College 1925-1926

      Date: 1926-01-01

      Access: Open access