Showing 2841 - 2850 of 5708 Items
This series includes audio and video recordings, as well as related transcripts, of all unrestricted statements by individuals that are part of the TRC archives. Statement providers include Wabanaki elders, children once in foster care and their family members, foster and adoptive parents, tribal leaders, service providers, incarcerated people, attorneys and judges, caseworkers, and administrators from the tribes and from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Some statement providers requested anonymity, and in those cases, both the transcripts and recordings have been altered to protect participants' identities.
These personal memories provide a window into the realities of the relationship between Wabanaki people and the state of Maine. As evidenced by the recordings themselves, the process of providing statements was often an emotional one for participants. Readers should be aware that many of the statements contain challenging and disturbing content. The statements are made available online with the hope that broader access to these important historical records will further our understanding of this difficult past and lead to improved child welfare practices for Wabanaki families.
Bowdoin does not hold copyright for these materials. They are made available for research and educational purposes, and with the permission of the TRC and individual statement providers. For all uses outside of "fair use" (as defined by Title 17, United States Code), including derivation, publication, and reproduction, researchers must secure permission from the copyright holders, typically the individual statement providers.
For More Information
If you have questions or concerns about your statement, or if you need research assistance, please contact the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives at or calling 207.725.3288
Visit the website of Wabanaki REACH to stay up to date on the work to implement the Commission’s recommendations. If you participated in the TRC and need support, or if you wish to contribute to the archive by providing a statement, please contact Wabanaki REACH at 207.615.3189
Please also read Wabanaki REACH's statement of support issued upon the release of the archives.
A related series of Statements collected at Focus Group meetings is also available.
- Report of the President, Bowdoin College (1891-2001) provides annual “state of the college” summaries issued by the Office of the President. Most issues also include annual reports of the librarian, the director of the Museum of Art, the curator of the Arctic Museum, the dean of the College, and for some years, reports by the registrar, the dean of the Medical School, the College physician, and the director of the Senior Center. Among the matters discussed are gifts and acquisitions, changes in programs and personnel, demographics and other statistical data.
Date: 2021-01-01
Creator: Wesley James Hudson
Access: Open access
- Proper growth and development of plant cells is dependent upon successful cell adhesion between cells, and this is mostly mediated by pectin in the plant cell wall. Previously, the Kohorn Laboratory identified a non-enzymatic Golgi protein named ELMO1 as it is required for cell adhesion, likely acting as a scaffold for cell wall polymer synthesis. Plants with mutant ELMO1 demonstrate a weak defective cellular adhesion phenotype as well as reduced mannose content in the cell wall. ELMO1 has homologous proteins in at least 29 different vascular plants. These homologues have 2 possible deletions in their amino acid sequence, but protein modeling determined that these variations will not affect protein structure. There are 5 homologous ELMO1 proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana that have been aptly named ELMO2, ELMO3, ELMO4, ELMO5. elmo2-/-mutants revealed no mutant adhesion phenotypes, while elmo1-/-elmo2-/-double mutants revealed strong defects in adhesion. Confocal microscopy of propidium iodide-stained seedlings confirmed the lack of a phenotype for elmo2-/-mutants and showed disorganized gapping cells for the elmo1-/-elmo2-/-mutant. Additionally, while elmo2-/-did not have any change to root or hypocotyl length, elmo1-/-elmo2-/- mutants were significantly shorter in both regards. Taken together, these data support that ELMO2 and ELMO1 are partially redundant.
Date: 2018-12-01
Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Meredith E. Stanhope, Helen I. Gandler, Tess J. Lameyer, Micah G., Pascual, Devlin N. Shea, Andy Yu, Patsy S. Dickinson, J. Joe Hull
Access: Open access
- The American lobster, Homarus americanus, is a model for investigating the neuromodulatory control of physiology and behavior. Prior studies have shown that multiple classes of chemicals serve as locally released/circulating neuromodulators/neurotransmitters in this species. Interestingly, while many neuroactive compounds are known from Homarus, little work has focused on identifying/characterizing the enzymes responsible for their biosynthesis, despite the fact that these enzymes are key components for regulating neuromodulation/neurotransmission. Here, an eyestalk ganglia-specific transcriptome was mined for transcripts encoding enzymes involved in neuropeptide, amine, diffusible gas and small molecule transmitter biosynthesis. Using known Drosophila melanogaster proteins as templates, transcripts encoding putative Homarus homologs of peptide precursor processing (signal peptide peptidase, prohormone processing protease and carboxypeptidase) and immature peptide modifying (glutaminyl cyclase, tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase, protein disulfide isomerase, peptidylglycine-α-hydroxylating monooxygenase and peptidyl-α-hydroxyglycine-α-amidating lyase) enzymes were identified in the eyestalk assembly. Similarly, transcripts encoding full complements of the enzymes responsible for dopamine [tryptophan-phenylalanine hydroxylase (TPH), tyrosine hydroxylase and DOPA decarboxylase (DDC)], octopamine (TPH, tyrosine decarboxylase and tyramine β-hydroxylase), serotonin (TPH or tryptophan hydroxylase and DDC) and histamine (histidine decarboxylase) biosynthesis were identified from the eyestalk ganglia, as were those responsible for the generation of the gases nitric oxide (nitric oxide synthase) and carbon monoxide (heme oxygenase), and the small molecule transmitters acetylcholine (choline acetyltransferase), glutamate (glutaminase) and GABA (glutamic acid decarboxylase). The presence and identity of the transcriptome-derived transcripts were confirmed using RT-PCR. The data presented here provide a foundation for future gene-based studies of neuromodulatory control at the level of neurotransmitter/modulator biosynthesis in Homarus.
Date: 1943-01-01
Access: Open access
- Bowdoin College Bulletin no. 268
Date: 1993-01-01
Creator: S. Sanghera, T. Skwarnicki, R. Stroynowski, M. Artuso, M., Goldberg, N. Horwitz, R. Kennett, G. C. Moneti, F. Muheim, S. Playfer, Y. Rozen, P. Rubin, S. Stone, M. Thulasidas, W. M. Yao, G. Zhu, A. V. Barnes, J. Bartelt, S. E. Csorna, Z. Egyed, V. Jain, P. Sheldon, D. S. Akerib, B. Barish, M. Chadha, D. F. Cowen, G. Eigen, J. S. Miller, J. Urheim, A. J. Weinstein, D. Acosta
Access: Open access
- We present a measurement of the lepton decay asymmetry Afb in the reaction B̄→D*l-ν̄l using data collected with the CLEO II detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR). The value of Afb confirms that the chirality of the weak interaction is predominantly left-handed in b→c transitions as expected in the standard model, if it is assumed that the lepton current is also left-handed. Using Afb and the previously determined branching ratio, q2 distribution, and D* polarization, we obtain the first measurement of the form-factor ratios that are used to describe this semileptonic decay. © 1993 The American Physical Society.
Date: 2014-05-01
Creator: Elizabeth A Owens
Access: Open access
- The American lobster, Homarus americanus, inhabits a large oceanic range spanning from Labrador, Canada to North Carolina, USA. This geographic range varies in temperature by as much as 25ºC, and daily temperature fluctuations of up to 12ºC may occur at a single location depending on season, water depth, and tides. The cardiac system of the lobster is sensitive to these temperature changes, and has been shown to adjust its functioning over a large temperature range. A previous study showed that various functional parameters respond differently to temperature changes, but a stable cardiac output can be maintained over the range of 2-20ºC. The current study showed that the effects of temperature were exerted primarily through changes in the lobster heart central pattern generator, the cardiac ganglion. Similar patterns of change were seen in both semi-intact hearts and isolated cardiac ganglion preparations in response to increasing temperature. Specifically, with increasing temperature, the burst frequency showed a biphasic pattern in which frequency initially increased, then decreased rapidly at high temperatures. The burst duration, duty cycle, and number of spikes per burst generally decreased with increasing temperature, and spike frequency increased over the entire temperature range. Semi-intact hearts and isolated cardiac ganglia showed similar “crash” patterns, characterized by complete loss of function at high temperatures and complete recovery of function when temperature was returned to baseline. Feedback in the semi-intact heart provided some stabilization of bursting activity, but it did not provide the expected protection from high temperatures. The isolated CG had a significantly higher crash temperature than did the semi-intact system. This discrepancy in crash temperatures may be explained by considering factors at the level of the muscle and neuromuscular junction (NMJ), such as stretch and nitric oxide (NO) feedback and the balance of facilitation and depression at the NMJ. Stimulated preparations showed defacilitation of contraction amplitude at high temperatures despite the maintenance of constant burst parameters of stimulation. Therefore, several factors contributing to the relatively low crash temperature of the intact system may be a shift in the balance of facilitation and depression at the NMJ, a depression in ganglion function due to the release of NO by the muscle, or a combination of the two mechanisms.
Date: 1992-01-01
Creator: D. Bortoletto, D. N. Brown, J. Dominick, R. L. Mcilwain, T., Miao, D. H. Miller, M. Modesitt, S. F. Schaffner, E. I. Shibata, I. P.J. Shipsey, M. Battle, J. Ernst, H. Kroha, S. Roberts, K. Sparks, E. H. Thorndike, C. H. Wang, S. Sanghera, T. Skwarnicki, R. Stroynowski, M. Artuso, M. Goldberg, N. Horwitz, R. Kennett, G. C. Moneti, F. Muheim, S. Playfer, Y. Rozen, P. Rubin, S. Stone, M. Thulasidas
Access: Open access
- Using the decay modes, D*+→D+π0 and D*0→D0π0, we have measured the D*+-D+ and D*0-D0 mass differences to be 140±0.08±0.06 and 142.12±0.05±0.05 MeV, respectively. Combining these measurements with the Particle Data Group average for the D*+-D0 mass difference, we obtain isospin mass splittings for D*+-Dusp*0 and D+-D0 of 3.32±0.08±0.05 and 4.80±0.10 ±0.06 MeV. We discuss the implications of these measurements for models of isospin mass differences and model-dependent estimates of fD. © 1992 The American Physical Society.
Date: 1965-01-01
Access: Open access
- Bowdoin College Bulletin no. 354
Date: 2013-08-16
Creator: M. Rubino, D. M. Etheridge, C. M. Trudinger, C. E. Allison, M. O., Battle, R. L. Langenfelds, L. P. Steele, M. Curran, M. Bender, J. W.C. White, T. M. Jenk, T. Blunier, R. J. Francey
Access: Open access
- We present new measurements of δ13C of CO2 extracted from a high-resolution ice core from Law Dome (East Antarctica), together with firn measurements performed at Law Dome and South Pole, covering the last 150 years. Our analysis is motivated by the need to better understand the role and feedback of the carbon (C) cycle in climate change, by advances in measurement methods, and by apparent anomalies when comparing ice core and firn air δ13C records from Law Dome and South Pole. We demonstrate improved consistency between Law Dome ice, South Pole firn, and the Cape Grim (Tasmania) atmospheric δ13C data, providing evidence that our new record reliably extends direct atmospheric measurements back in time. We also show a revised version of early δ13C measurements covering the last 1000 years, with a mean preindustrial level of -6.50‰. Finally, we use a Kalman Filter Double Deconvolution to infer net natural CO2 fluxes between atmosphere, ocean, and land, which cause small δ13C deviations from the predominant anthropogenically induced δ13C decrease. The main features found from the previous δ13C record are confirmed, including the ocean as the dominant cause for the 1940 A.D. CO2 leveling. Our new record provides a solid basis for future investigation of the causes of decadal to centennial variations of the preindustrial atmospheric CO2 concentration. Those causes are of potential significance for predicting future CO2 levels and when attempting atmospheric verification of recent and future global carbon emission mitigation measures through Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Models. Key Points New and revised, firn and ice δ13C-CO2 measurements from Antarctica Improve consistency between ice and firn δ13C-CO2 measurements Net natural CO2 fluxes between atmosphere, ocean and land inferred ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.