Showing 2871 - 2880 of 5708 Items

“There’s Nothing More to Get From It”: Subverting Representation in Olivia Wenzel’s 1000 Serpentinen Angst and Sharon Dodua Otoo’s Adas Raum This record is embargoed.
- Embargo End Date: 2028-05-18
Date: 2023-01-01
Creator: Annika Moore
Access: Embargoed
Characterizing the Roles of Toll7 in the Gryllus Bimaculatus Peripheral Nervous System Development
Date: 2023-01-01
Creator: Rowland Luo
Access: Open access
- The study of neuronal development could provide foundational information on neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. The small size and relatively simple nervous system of Orthoptera make them ideal models for neurodevelopmental studies. The peripheral nervous system development is an intricate and precise process that each sensory neurons are able to reach their central nervous system partners in a relatively short amount of time. Although the peripheral nervous system in limb buds and their genetic regulations are well understood in grasshopper embryos, few studies have explored the developing nervous system in a cricket model. Therefore, the first goal of the current experiment is to characterize the normal peripheral nervous system development in cricket embryos. Previous studies in Drosophila have suggested Toll6 and Toll7 receptors could serve as important targets for the neurotrophic-like factors Spaetzle2 and 5. Malfunctioning neurotrophic pathways could lead to abnormal nervous system development. Therefore, the second goal of the current study is to explore the roles of Toll7 in the development of the cricket peripheral nervous system. Immunohistochemical staining using anti-horseradish peroxidase (Anti-HRP) was used to illustrate crickets' embryonic developing peripheral nervous system in the limb buds from developmental stage 7.0 to 11.0. Cricket eggs were injected with Toll7 double stranded RNA (dsRNA) and rhodamine dye to suppress the Toll7 mRNA level. The control eggs were injected with GFP dsRNA and rhodamine dye. The peripheral nervous system development in cricket embryos is largely homologous to that observed in grasshopper embryos. All later-emerged sensory neurons followed the pathway established by the first pioneer neuron Ti1. Ti1 made stereotypical turns following the steering signals on epithelial and guidepost cell surfaces and eventually fasciculate with lateral motor axons from the central nervous system. When examining the peripheral nervous system development with Toll7 knockdown, a decrease in limb bud volume was observed at stage 7.7 and stage 8.0, suggesting Toll7’s potential roles in aiding cell-cell intercalation processes in Orthoptera embryos. Furthermore, a delay in Ti1 pioneer neuron development was observed with Toll7 knockdown at early developmental stages, providing evidence for Toll-Spaetzle pathway’s neurotrophic-like functions. The results of the current experiment provide the first description of the peripheral nervous system development in the cricket limb buds and further evidence of Toll-Spaetzle pathway’s neurotrophic properties.

Thioglycosides modulate bacterial glycosylation Access to this record is restricted to members of the Bowdoin community. Log in here to view.
Date: 2023-01-01
Creator: Isabella de la Luz Quintana
Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community
Multiple transcriptome mining coupled with tissue specific molecular cloning and mass spectrometry provide insights into agatoxin-like peptide conservation in decapod crustaceans
Date: 2020-12-01
Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Cindy D. Rivera, Catherine M. Call, Patsy S. Dickinson, Elizabeth A., Stemmler, J. Joe Hull
Access: Open access
- Over the past decade, in silico genome and transcriptome mining has led to the identification of many new crustacean peptide families, including the agatoxin-like peptides (ALPs), a group named for their structural similarity to agatoxin, a spider venom component. Here, analysis of publicly accessible transcriptomes was used to expand our understanding of crustacean ALPs. Specifically, transcriptome mining was used to investigate the phylogenetic/structural conservation, tissue localization, and putative functions of ALPs in decapod species. Transcripts encoding putative ALP precursors were identified from one or more members of the Penaeoidea (penaeid shrimp), Sergestoidea (sergestid shrimps), Caridea (caridean shrimp), Astacidea (clawed lobsters and freshwater crayfish), Achelata (spiny/slipper lobsters), and Brachyura (true crabs), suggesting a broad, and perhaps ubiquitous, conservation of ALPs in decapods. Comparison of the predicted mature structures of decapod ALPs revealed high levels of amino acid conservation, including eight identically conserved cysteine residues that presumably allow for the formation of four identically positioned disulfide bridges. All decapod ALPs are predicted to have amidated carboxyl-terminals. Two isoforms of ALP appear to be present in most decapod species, one 44 amino acids long and the other 42 amino acids in length, both likely generated by alternative splicing of a single gene. In carideans, a gene or terminal exon duplication appears to have occurred, with alternative splicing producing four ALPs, two 44 and two 42 amino acid isoforms. The identification of ALP precursor-encoding transcripts in nervous system-specific transcriptomes (e.g., Homarus americanus brain, eyestalk ganglia, and cardiac ganglion assemblies, finding confirmed using RT-PCR) suggests that members of this peptide family may serve as locally-released and/or hormonally-delivered neuromodulators in decapods. Their detection in testis- and hepatopancreas-specific transcriptomes suggests that members of the ALP family may also play roles in male reproduction and innate immunity/detoxification.
SIFamide peptides modulate cardiac activity differently in two species of Cancer crab
Date: 2019-10-01
Creator: Patsy S. Dickinson, Heidi M. Samuel, Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Andrew E. Christie
Access: Open access
- The SIFamides are a broadly conserved arthropod peptide family characterized by the C-terminal motif –SIFamide. In decapod crustaceans, two isoforms of SIFamide are known, GYRKPPFNGSIFamide (Gly1-SIFamide), which is nearly ubiquitously conserved in the order, and VYRKPPFNGSIFamide (Val1-SIFamide), known only from members of the astacidean genus Homarus. While much work has focused on the identification of SIFamide isoforms in decapods, there are few direct demonstrations of physiological function for members of the peptide family in this taxon. Here, we assessed the effects of Gly1- and Val1-SIFamide on the cardiac neuromuscular system of two closely related species of Cancer crab, Cancer borealis and Cancer irroratus. In each species, both peptides were cardioactive, with identical, dose-dependent effects elicited by both isoforms in a given species. Threshold concentrations for bioactivity are in the range typically associated with hormonal delivery, i.e., 10−9 to 10−8 M. Interestingly, and quite surprisingly, while the predicted effects of SIFamide on cardiac output are similar in both C. borealis and C. irroratus, frequency effects predominate in C. borealis, while amplitude effects predominate in C. irroratus. These findings suggest that, while SIFamide is likely to increase cardiac output in both crabs, the mechanism through which this is achieved is different in the two species. Immunohistochemical/mass spectrometric data suggest that SIFamide is delivered to the heart hormonally rather than locally, with the source of hormonal release being midgut epithelial endocrine cells in both Cancer species. If so, midgut-derived SIFamide may function as a regulator of cardiac output during the process of digestion.

Characterization of Retinoic Acid Signaling During Tooth Morphogenesis and Evolution in Danio rerio This record is embargoed.
- Embargo End Date: 2028-05-17
Date: 2023-01-01
Creator: Lyn Stephanie Miranda Portillo
Access: Embargoed

Mathematically Modeling a Nonlinear, Passive Acoustic Filter This record is embargoed.
- Embargo End Date: 2026-05-18
Date: 2023-01-01
Creator: Bjorn Ludwig
Access: Embargoed
On L-functions and the 1-Level Density
Date: 2023-01-01
Creator: Arav Agarwal
Access: Open access
- We begin with the classical study of the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet L-functions. This includes a full exposition on one of the most useful ways of exploiting their connection with primes, namely, explicit formulae. We then proceed to introduce statistics of low-lying zeros of Dirichlet L-functions, discussing prior results of Fiorilli and Miller (2015) on the 1-level density of Dirichlet L-functions and their achievement in surpassing the prediction of the powerful Ratios Conjecture. Finally, we present our original work partially generalizing these results to the case of Hecke L-functions over imaginary quadratic fields.