Showing 2991 - 3000 of 5708 Items

Miniature of Prescriptions of Identity: Jewish identities defined, questioned, and remembered in Early Modern Spain and early colonial America
Prescriptions of Identity: Jewish identities defined, questioned, and remembered in Early Modern Spain and early colonial America
This record is embargoed.
    • Embargo End Date: 2029-05-16

    Date: 2024-01-01

    Creator: Juliana Keyes Vandermark

    Access: Embargoed

      Miniature of Distance Based Pre-clustering for Deep Time-Series Forecasting: A Data Selection Approach
      Distance Based Pre-clustering for Deep Time-Series Forecasting: A Data Selection Approach
      This record is embargoed.
        • Embargo End Date: 2025-05-16

        Date: 2024-01-01

        Creator: Leopold Felix Spieler

        Access: Embargoed

          Miniature of Ionic Liquids as Additives for Metal-Organic Framework Crystallization
          Ionic Liquids as Additives for Metal-Organic Framework Crystallization
          Access to this record is restricted to members of the Bowdoin community. Log in here to view.
          • Restriction End Date: 2027-06-01

            Date: 2024-01-01

            Creator: Oliver Wang

            Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

              Mass spectrometric identification of pEGFYSQRYamide: A crustacean peptide hormone possessing a vertebrate neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like carboxy-terminus

              Date: 2007-05-15

              Creator: Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Emily A. Bruns, Noah P. Gardner, Patsy S. Dickinson, Andrew E., Christie

              Access: Open access

              In invertebrates, peptides possessing the carboxy (C)-terminal motif -RXRFamide have been proposed as the homologs of vertebrate neuropeptide Y (NPY). Using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, in combination with sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation and chemical and enzymatic reactions, we have identified the peptide pEGFYSQRYamide from the neuroendocrine pericardial organ (PO) of the crab Pugettia producta. This peptide is likely the same as that previously reported, but misidentified, as PAFYSQRYamide in several earlier reports (e.g. [Li, L., Kelley, W.P., Billimoria, C.P., Christie, A.E., Pulver, S.R., Sweedler, J.V., Marder, E. 2003. Mass spectrometric investigation of the neuropeptide complement and release in the pericardial organs of the crab, Cancer borealis. J. Neurochem. 87, 642-656; Fu, Q., Kutz, K.K., Schmidt, J.J., Hsu, Y.W., Messinger, D.I., Cain, S.D., de la Iglesia, H.O., Christie, A.E., Li, L. 2005. Hormone complement of the Cancer productus sinus gland and pericardial organ: an anatomical and mass spectrometric investigation. J. Comp. Neurol. 493, 607-626.]). The -QRYamide motif contained in pEGFYSQRYamide is identical to that present in many vertebrate members of the NPY superfamily. Mass spectrometric analysis conducted on the POs of several other decapods showed that pEGFYSQRYamide is present in three other brachyurans (Cancer borealis, Cancer irroratus and Cancer productus) as well as in one species from another decapod infraorder (Lithodes maja, an anomuran). Thus, our findings show that at least some invertebrates possess NPY-like peptides in addition to those exhibiting an -RXRFamide C-terminus, and raise the question as to whether the invertebrate -QRYamides are functionally and/or evolutionarily related to the NPY superfamily. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

              Assessing the Accuracy of Quantum Monte Carlo Pseudopotentials for CO2 Capture in Metal Organic Frameworks

              Date: 2021-01-01

              Creator: Chloe Renfro

              Access: Open access

              As global emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases rises, global warming persists as an imminent threat to the environment and every day lives. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, there is a need to design materials to separate and capture the different gasses. Current gas capturing technologies lack efficiency and have extensive energy costs. A class of materials for CO2 capture is Molecular Organic Frameworks (MOFs). In order for a MOF to be efficient for this type of separation, the MOF needs to be able to selectively bind to the gas, while also not suffering a high energy cost to remove the gas and reuse the material. Computationally calculated binding energies are used to determine the usefulness of a MOF at capture and separation of a certain gas. Each computational method has its advantages and limitations. In this work, diffusion quantum Monte Carlo is being explored. This paper focuses on the accuracy of recently developed pseudopotentials for DMC use. These pseudopotentials have been tested on smaller molecules but have not been systematically tested for systems such as MOFs. Results from a DMC calculation of Zn-MOF-74 show a binding energy of -18.02 kJ/mol with an error bound of 16.74 kJ/mol. In order to assess the accuracy of the DMC results for binding energies of this magnitude the uncertainty need to be reduced, a subject of ongoing work.

              Bowdoin College Catalogue (1836-1837)

              Date: 1837-01-01

              Access: Open access

              Bowdoin Orient, v. 35, no. 23

              Date: 1905-01-19

              Access: Open access


              Bowdoin Orient, v. 31, no. 1

              Date: 1901-04-25

              Access: Open access


              Bowdoin Orient, v. 30, no. 30

              Date: 1901-03-28

              Access: Open access


              Bowdoin Orient, v. 32, no. 25

              Date: 1903-02-12

              Access: Open access
