Showing 3501 - 3510 of 5708 Items

Soft Photon and Graviton Theorems in Effective Field Theory

Date: 2017-06-08

Creator: Henriette Elvang, Callum R.T. Jones, Stephen G. Naculich

Access: Open access

Extensions of the photon and graviton soft theorems are derived in 4D local effective field theories with massless particles of arbitrary spin. We prove that effective operators can result in new terms in the soft theorems at subleading order for photons and subsubleading order for gravitons. The new soft terms are unique, and we provide a complete classification of all local operators responsible for such modifications. We show that no local operators can modify the subleading soft graviton theorem. The soft limits are taken in a manifestly on-locus manner using a complex double deformation of the external momenta. In addition to the new soft theorems, the resulting master formula yields consistency conditions, such as the conservation of electric charge, the Einstein equivalence principle, supergravity Ward identities, and that particles with spin greater than two cannot couple to those with spin less than or equal to two.

Ink Tales: Family Guide

Date: 2009-01-01

Access: Open access

A family guide and activity book to accompany the joint exhibition of the same title held at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Feb. 3-May 10, 2009 and the Colby College Museum of Art, Jan.22-Mar. 8, 2009. Concept and initial design by Bowdoin College students Gea Ermotti, Anna Kosovsky, Erica McLeod, and Eleanor Meyer. Production and final design by Colby College student Alyssa Lee.

Report of the President, Bowdoin College 1910-1911

Date: 1911-01-01

Access: Open access

William Zorach

Date: 1968-01-01

Creator: Christopher Huntington

Access: Open access

"An exhibition made possible by the Maine State Commission on the Arts and the Humanities, together with the exhibiting institutions ... Coordinator of the exhibition - Christopher Huntington." Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Colby College Art Museum Aug. 14-Sept. 22, 1968; Bowdoin College Museum of Art Nov.1-25, 1968.

Tokyo Nightviews

Date: 1986-01-01

Creator: Yvonne Jacquette

Access: Open access

Catalogue of an exhibition held Apr. 5-May 3, 1986, at Brooke Alexander, New York, and June 27-Aug. 24, 1986, at Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine

Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism map for Candida albicans

Date: 2004-06-01

Creator: Anja Forche, P. T. Magee, B. B. Magee, Georgiana May

Access: Open access

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are essential tools for studying a variety of organismal properties and processes, such as recombination, chromosomal dynamics, and genome rearrangement. This paper describes the development of a genome-wide SNP map for Candida albicans to study mitotic recombination and chromosome loss. C. albicans is a diploid yeast which propagates primarily by clonal mitotic division. It is the leading fungal pathogen that causes infections in humans, ranging from mild superficial lesions in healthy individuals to severe, life-threatening diseases in patients with suppressed immune systems. The SNP map contains 150 marker sequences comprising 561 SNPs and 9 insertions-deletions. Of the 561 SNPs, 437 were transition events while 126 were transversion events, yielding a transition-to-transversion ratio of 3:1, as expected for a neutral accumulation of mutations. The average SNP frequency for our data set was 1 SNP per 83 bp. The map has one marker placed every 111 kb, on average, across the 16-Mb genome. For marker sequences located partially or completely within coding regions, most contained one or more nonsynonymous substitutions. Using the SNP markers, we identified a loss of heterozygosity over large chromosomal fragments in strains of C. albicans that are frequently used for gene manipulation experiments. The SNP map will be useful for understanding the role of heterozygosity and genome rearrangement in the response of C. albicans to host environments.

Bowdoin College Catalogue (1893-1894)

Date: 1894-01-01

Access: Open access

Bowdoin Alumnus Volume 6 (1931-1932)

Date: 1932-01-01

Access: Open access

Vulnerability of eelgrass (Zostera marina) to green crab (Carcinus maenas) invasion

Date: 2014-08-01

Creator: Sabine Y Berzins

Access: Open access

Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a perennial seagrass that is widely distributed among the shallow subtidal and intertidal Atlantic coastline of the United States and Canada. A highly productive keystone species, eelgrass helps maintain healthy estuarine and ecosystem functions by stabilizing sediments, regulating water flow, absorbing nutrients, and providing critical habitat for animals including commercially important species like soft-shell clams, blue mussels, and migrating waterfowl. Loss of eelgrass beds can therefore result in degraded water quality, shoreline erosion, and reduced fish and wildlife populations. Historically, the Maine coast supported extensive eelgrass beds. However, between 2010 and 2013, eelgrass distribution in Casco Bay declined in area by over 55%. This decline in eelgrass distribution coincides with a regional population explosion of green crabs (Carcinus maenas), an invasive species that physically disturbs eelgrass while foraging for prey. This summer, I collaborated with several Casco Bay Eelgrass Partners including individuals from the Fish and Wildlife Service, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and the Friends of Casco Bay. Led by U.S. Geological Survey biologist Dr. Hilary Neckles, this project identifies factors that make eelgrass more or less resilient to invasion by green crabs. In June, we established permanent eelgrass survey transects at five locations spanning eastern Casco Bay. Where possible, two transects were established in different types of sediment (fine or coarse/sandy). Most of the eelgrass loss observed over the past decade has been in fine sediments. The question remains; is eelgrass in coarse sediments prone to similar levels of damage? In addition to differences in substrate type, each site also exhibited varying degrees of eelgrass density, shoot height, green crab density and population structure, and other environmental stressors including light availability, temperature, nutrient availability, and natural physical disturbance. I made biweekly measurements of green crab densities at one site, Widgeon Cove in Harpswell. Crap trapping indicated few green crabs occurred near the Widgeon Cove transect, but traps at the other four Casco Bay sites collected as many as 300 crabs within a 24-hour period. Final measurements in the eelgrass transects will be taken in September and data collection will be completed in October. Data gathered this summer will provide information to help move forward with a plan to protect and potentially restore eelgrass in Casco Bay. Additionally, I identified patches of eelgrass in the Kennebec Estuary that might be viable sites for replanting next summer. I hope to continue working on this project next year, thinking about ways to restore eelgrass to the system while identifying ways to increase trapping pressure on green crabs such that their numbers might be reduced. Final Report of research funded by the Rusack Coastal Studies fellowship.

Making predictions in an uncertain world: Environmental structure and cognitive maps

Date: 1999-01-01

Creator: Eric Chown

Access: Open access

This article examines the relationship between environmental and cognitive structure. One of the key tasks for any agent interacting in the real world is the management of uncertainty; because of this the cognitive structures which interact with real environments, such as would be used in navigation, must effectively cope with the uncertainty inherent in a constantly changing world. Despite this uncertainty, however, real environments usually afford structure that can be effectively exploited by organisms. The article examines environmental characteristics and structures that enable humans to survive and thrive in a wide range of real environments. The relationship between these characteristics and structures, uncertainty, and cognitive structure is explored in the context of PLAN, a proposed model of human cognitive mapping, and R-PLAN, a version of PLAN that has been instantiated on an actual mobile robot. An examination of these models helps to provide insight into environmental characteristics which impact human performance on tasks which require interaction with the world. Copyright 1999 International Society for Adaptive Behavior.