Showing 411 - 420 of 583 Items

Miniature of An Investigation of Genetics-Based Machine Learning as Applied to Global Crop Yields
An Investigation of Genetics-Based Machine Learning as Applied to Global Crop Yields
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      Date: 2017-05-01

      Creator: William Gantt

      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

        Effects of myosuppressin, a peptide neuromodulator, on membrane currents in the crustacean cardiac ganglion

        Date: 2022-01-01

        Creator: Anthony Yanez

        Access: Open access

        Central pattern generators are neural circuits that can independently produce rhythmic patterns of electrical activity without central or periphery inputs. They control rhythmic behaviors like breathing in humans and cardiac activity in crustaceans. Rhythmic behaviors must be flexible to respond appropriately to a changing environment; this flexibility is achieved through the action of neuromodulators. The cardiac ganglion of Homarus americanus, the American lobster, is a central pattern generator made up of four premotor neurons and five motor neurons. Membrane currents in each cell type, which can be targeted for modulation by various molecules, generate rhythmic bursts of action potentials. Myosuppressin, a FMRFamide-like peptide, is one such neuromodulator. The currents targeted for neuromodulation by myosuppressin are unknown. I investigated the molecular and physiological underpinnings of the modulatory effect of myosuppressin on motor neurons in the cardiac ganglion. First, using single cell RT-qPCR, I determined that across animals, motor neurons express myosuppressin receptor subtype II at equal levels relative to each other. Using sharp intracellular recordings, I showed that myosuppressin decreased burst frequency and the rate of depolarization during the inter-burst interval. I predicted that this effect resulted from the modulation of either A-type potassium current or calcium-dependent potassium current. Using two-electrode voltage clamp, I found that total outward current did not substantially change after treatment with myosuppressin. This result was surprising and provides grounds for explorations of subtle forms of neuromodulation in simple neural circuits.

        Miniature of Directed Information Flow During Episodic Memory Retrieval at Theta Frequency
        Directed Information Flow During Episodic Memory Retrieval at Theta Frequency
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        • Restriction End Date: 2027-06-01

          Date: 2022-01-01

          Creator: Patrick F. Bloniasz

          Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

            Miniature of An Output Sensitive Algorithm for Computing Viewsheds and Total Viewsheds on 2D Terrains
            An Output Sensitive Algorithm for Computing Viewsheds and Total Viewsheds on 2D Terrains
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                Date: 2018-05-01

                Creator: Andrew P Prescott

                Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                  Examining the role of GRP and LIK1 in Wall Associated Kinase (WAK) perception of pectin in the plant cell wall

                  Date: 2017-01-01

                  Creator: Jack Ryan Mitchell

                  Access: Open access

                  Wall associated kinases (WAKs) are cell membrane bound receptor kinases that bind pectin and pectin fragments (OGs).The binding of WAKs to pectin sends a growth signal required for cell elongation and plant development. WAKs bind OGs with higher affinity than native pectin and instead activate a stress response. Glycine rich proteins (GRPs) are secreted cell wall proteins of unknown function. Seven GRPs with 65% sequence similarity are coded on a 90kb locus of Arabidopsis chromosome 2. GRP3 and WAK1 have been shown to bind in vitro, but single null mutations have no discernible phenotype, suggesting that the GRPs are redundant. Low recombination frequency has made multiple mutations difficult to achieve, but in this thesis, CRISPR/Cas9 technology was used to induce deletions of the GRP locus. The promoters pYAO and pICU2 drove Cas9 expression in transformed Arabidopsis plants. The presence of a deletion and Cas9 were detected by PCR. While somatic mutations were induced, there was no inheritance of the GRP deletion, indicating that pYAO and pICU2 do not drive Cas9 to induce deletions in progenitor cells. LIK1 is a CERK1 interacting kinase implicated in mediating response to various microbe associated molecular patterns (MAMP) such as chitin, flagellin, and peptidoglycans. LIK1 exhibits a drastic increase in phosphorylation in response to OG treatment, making it a candidate for a co-receptor to WAK. T-DNA insertions to the 5’UTR of LIK1 were used to examine the effect of a lik1 mutation on the OG induced stress response. lik1/lik1 mutant seedlings were grown in the presence and absence of OGs, and RNA was isolated. qPCR was used on cDNA to examine FADLOX expression, a reporter for the transcriptional response to OGs. The lik1/lik1 mutant caused a reduction in the OG induced transcriptional response. However, increased LIK1 expression was associated with the T-DNA insertion indicating that LIK1 inhibits the WAK stress response pathway. Understanding the roles of GRP and LIK1 in moderating WAK mediated pathogenic response in Arabidopsis will enable a better understanding of plant resistance to pathogen invasion in the greater plant kingdom.

                  Miniature of Working Hands and Shifting Identities among Lobstermen in the Gulf of Maine’s Waterscape
                  Working Hands and Shifting Identities among Lobstermen in the Gulf of Maine’s Waterscape
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                      Date: 2023-01-01

                      Creator: Meghan Gonzalez

                      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                        Miniature of The Roles of ROG1, REM1, and REM2 in a WAK Mediated Pectin Response
                        The Roles of ROG1, REM1, and REM2 in a WAK Mediated Pectin Response
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                            Date: 2015-05-01

                            Creator: Joshua A Benton

                            Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                              Miniature of "<i>Italianos por todos lados</i> (Italians Everywhere)": Italian Immigrants and Argentine Exceptionalism
                              "Italianos por todos lados (Italians Everywhere)": Italian Immigrants and Argentine Exceptionalism
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                                  Date: 2022-01-01

                                  Creator: Julia Elisabeth Perillo

                                  Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                                    Miniature of Systemic Risk in the Airline Industry: Investigating the Effects of Network Interconnectedness on MES
                                    Systemic Risk in the Airline Industry: Investigating the Effects of Network Interconnectedness on MES
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                                        Date: 2020-01-01

                                        Creator: Angela Goldshteyn

                                        Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                                          The Relationship between Nitrate Concentration and Phytoplankton Blooms in Harpswell Sound

                                          Date: 2014-08-01

                                          Creator: Sasha Kramer

                                          Access: Open access

                                          Phytoplankton require certain essential nutrients for growth. The Redfield ratio (Redfield, 1934) dictates an ideal element proportion of 106 carbon: 16 nitrogen: 1 phosphorus in order to maintain balanced phytoplankton growth through photosynthesis (Li et al., 2008). Under typical conditions, the concentration of nutrients present in the water directly controls the attainable phytoplankton yield (i.e. one inorganic nitrogen from nitrate yields one organic nitrogen in cellular form). While plankton that are starved of nutrients tend to die off quickly, plankton that are simply nutrient limited can adjust to constant but low levels of nutrient concentration (Cullen et al., 1992), often by adjusting their Redfield ratio. As an essential nutrient, nitrogen is a limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in the ocean (Dugdale, 1967). In oceanic and coastal ecosystems, dissolved nitrate (NO3-) is the most commonly available form of nitrogen (Zielinski et al., 2011). The formation of nutrients through microbial processes such as denitrification in deep water creates a source of nitrogen in the deep ocean (Arrigo, 2005). Phytoplankton growth is limited by both light and nutrients: therefore, the transport of nitrate into the euphotic zone controls the rate of primary production. In the Gulf of Maine, nitrate concentration varies with depth and season. Water density is determined by temperature and salinity; these qualities in turn control the depth of mixing and stratification, and thus the depth of the nitracline, the depth at which the high-nutrient deep waters are found (Townsend, 1998). An instrument known as the In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ISUS by Satlantic, Inc.) offers the ability to quantify nitrate concentrations based on optical properties. The instrument specifically measures the magnitude of absorption of ultraviolet light by dissolved nitrate molecules in the water. The concentration is determined from the ratio of the measured absorption coefficient to the molar absorption coefficient of nitrate. The ISUS is placed directly into the water at a site of specific interest—it measures the absorption and computes the nitrate concentration at this site every hour. This method of analysis gives superior stability, precision, and accuracy in data compared to a typical water sample analysis in a laboratory setting (Johnson & Coletti, 2002). For the past 4 years, an ISUS sensor has been deployed on the Bowdoin Buoy in Harpswell Sound collecting hourly observations of nitrate concentration concurrent with hourly observations of chlorophyll fluorescence (which can be used as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass). Once per week between May 21, 2014 and June 18, 2014, measurements of the depth distribution of salinity, temperature, density, chlorophyll fluorescence, and dissolved oxygen content were taken at the Bowdoin Buoy. Water samples were collected at five discrete depths each week, and were returned to the lab for analysis of chlorophyll concentration on the Turner fluorometer and nutrient concentration on the SmartChem. These laboratory analyses were used to calibrate and validate the buoy- and boat-based optical observations. The analysis of nitrate observations was performed in two phases. First, the variability in nitrate measured on the buoy since 2007 along with co-located discrete water samples was compared to a published historical dataset in order to place Harpswell Sound in the broader context of the Gulf of Maine. Second, the timeseries buoy observations of nitrate and chlorophyll were analyzed to determine temporal covariability. The historical nutrient and water quality data for the Gulf of Maine gathered by Rebuck et al. 2009 for 1990-2009 (in addition to unpublished data from 2010-2012) provided a broader spatial and temporal range for comparison with data from the Bowdoin Buoy in Harpswell Sound, Maine from 2007-2012. The historical nutrient data for the Gulf of Maine were measured in the lab; the nutrient data for Harpswell Sound was measured by the ISUS. There are relatively few match-ups for validation, but these points did show the correlation between the two methods. However, the similarity of the distribution of measured nitrate from water samples in lab and the in situ temperature and salinity characteristics of the sampled waters were very coherent with those measured by the ISUS, providing some quantitative validation. Future analysis of the ISUS data from summer 2014, in comparison to nutrient data from the water samples taken over the course of this summer, will further justify the validity of the ISUS data. A clear relationship between nitrate concentration and water temperature and nitrate concentration and salinity for both the Gulf of Maine and Harpswell Sound emerged (Figure 1). The highest concentrations of nitrate are found in the saltiest water (between 30-34 psu) and coldest water (between 3 and 12 degrees Celsius). This pattern was observed both generally in the Gulf of Maine and more specifically in Harpswell Sound, indicating that processes observed in Harpswell Sound are connected to broader scale oceanographic processes. These results also indicate that nutrients generated by deep ocean processes are dominant and river sources are negligible, a result that is not found in most areas. For both chlorophyll data and ISUS nitrate data, 2010 proved to be a model year with a clear and thorough timeseries from early February to late November. After analysis, the relationship between nitrate and chlorophyll showed a strong preliminary correlation of chlorophyll concentration (once again, as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass) increasing as nitrate concentration decreases (Figure 2). The low levels of phytoplankton consume the high levels of nitrate and therefore, as the bloom grows, the concentration of nitrate decreases proportionally. The expected dependence of chlorophyll concentration on nitrate concentration becomes incredibly clear through these results, similar to the results presented in Li et al., 2010. The ISUS data from 2007-2012 requires further processing in order to fully explore the relationship between chlorophyll and nitrate concentration on a pertinent timescale to bloom growth dynamics. While it is possible to construct a full time-series from the newly manipulated ISUS dataset after this summer work, it would be important and interesting to further examine the relationship between chlorophyll concentration and nitrate concentration in Harpswell Sound on daily, weekly, seasonal, and yearly timescales. This next step of investigation will require more time for data processing, but the work done this summer to validate the ISUS data and show the correlation between Harpswell Sound and the Gulf of Maine is incredibly promising for future work. Final report of research funded by the Doherty Coastal Studies Research Fellowship.