Showing 4281 - 4290 of 5709 Items

Bowdoin Orient, v. 138, no. 23

Date: 2009-04-24

Access: Open access

Bowdoin Orient, v. 138, no. 14

Date: 2009-01-30

Access: Open access

Bowdoin Orient, v. 139, no. [25]

Date: 2010-05-07

Access: Open access

Decade in Review 2000-2009

Bowdoin Orient, v. 139, no. 14

Date: 2010-02-05

Access: Open access

AF/AM/50 Oral History Project
In the fall of 2019, students (Nate DeMoranville ‘20, Aisha Rickford ‘20, Marina Henke ‘19) conducted the AF/AM/50 Oral History Project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Africana Studies Program at the College. Over the course of the weekend, they interviewed more than 30 alumni, past professors, and staff. Interviewees varied across many spectrums: black and white, old and young. Some had not been back to Bowdoin for more than a decade. Others still lived in Brunswick. While in no way entirely encompassing the experience of black students at Bowdoin or the history of the Africana Studies Program, this project aimed to provide a window into the lives of a select few. These selections are not representative. No path through Bowdoin was identical. Hopes for the future of the College ranged widely. Themes and topics certainly emerged: of isolation, of prejudice, of pushback, but also of friendship and resilience.

Brain activity patterns underlying memory confidence

Date: 2022-04-01

Creator: Syanah C. Wynn, Erika Nyhus

Access: Open access

The primary aim of this review is to examine the brain activity patterns that are related to subjectively perceived memory confidence. We focus on the main brain regions involved in episodic memory: the medial temporal lobe (MTL), prefrontal cortex (PFC), and posterior parietal cortex (PPC), and relate activity in their subregions to memory confidence. How this brain activity in both the encoding and retrieval phase is related to (subsequent) memory confidence ratings will be discussed. Specifically, encoding related activity in MTL regions and ventrolateral PFC mainly shows a positive linear increase with subsequent memory confidence, while dorsolateral and ventromedial PFC activity show mixed patterns. In addition, encoding-related PPC activity seems to only have indirect effects on memory confidence ratings. Activity during retrieval in both the hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex increases with memory confidence, especially during high-confident recognition. Retrieval-related activity in the PFC and PPC show mixed relationships with memory confidence, likely related to post-retrieval monitoring and attentional processes, respectively. In this review, these MTL, PFC, and PPC activity patterns are examined in detail and related to their functional roles in memory processes. This insight into brain activity that underlies memory confidence is important for our understanding of brain–behaviour relations and memory-guided decision making. © 2022 The Authors. European Journal of Neuroscience published by Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Honors Projects
The honors project offers seniors the opportunity to engage in original scholarship under the supervision of a faculty member in their major department or program and results in a written thesis and/or oral defense, artistic performance or showing, depending on the student’s field of study.

Identification, physiological actions, and distribution of TPSGFLGMRamide: A novel tachykinin-related peptide from the midgut and stomatogastric nervous system of Cancer crabs

Date: 2007-06-01

Creator: Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Braulio Peguero, Emily A. Bruns, Patsy S. Dickinson, Andrew E., Christie

Access: Open access

In most invertebrates, multiple species-specific isoforms of tachykinin-related peptide (TRP) are common. In contrast, only a single conserved TRP isoform, APSGFLGMRamide, has been documented in decapod crustaceans, leading to the hypothesis that it is the sole TRP present in this arthropod order. Previous studies of crustacean TRPs have focused on neuronal tissue, but the recent demonstration of TRPs in midgut epithelial cells in Cancer species led us to question whether other TRPs are present in the gut, as is the case in insects. Using direct tissue matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry, in combination with sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation, we found that at least one additional TRP is present in Cancer irroratus, Cancer borealis, Cancer magister, and Cancer productus. The novel TRP isoform, TPSGFLGMRamide, was present not only in the midgut, but also in the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS). In addition, we identified an unprocessed TRP precursor APSGFLGMRG, which was detected in midgut tissues only. TRP immunohistochemistry, in combination with preadsorption studies, suggests that APSGFLGMRamide and TPSGFLGMRamide are co-localized in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG), which is contained within the STNS. Exogenous application of TPSGFLGMRamide to the STG elicited a pyloric motor pattern that was identical to that elicited by APSGFLGMRamide, whereas APSGFLGMRG did not alter the pyloric motor pattern. © 2007 The Authors.

On Kindleberger and Hegemony: From Berlin to M.I.T. and Back

Date: 2013-09-29

Creator: Stephen Meardon

Access: Open access

The most notable idea of Charles P. Kindleberger’s later career is the value of a single country acting as stabilizer of an international economy prone to instability. It runs through his widely read books, The World in Depression, 1929-1939 (1973), Manias, Crises, and Panics (1978), A Financial History of Western Europe (1984), and kindred works. “Hegemonic stability,” the idea is called in the literature it inspired. This essay traces Kindleberger’s attachment to the idea back to his tenure as chief of the State Department’s Division of German and Austrian Economic Affairs from 1945 to 1947 and adviser to the European Recovery Program from 1947 to 1948. In both capacities Kindleberger observed and participated indirectly in the 1948 monetary reform in Western Germany. In the 1990s, during his octogenary decade, he revisited the German monetary reform with a fellow participant, economist, and longtime friend, F. Taylor Ostrander. Their collaborative essay marked Kindleberger’s effort to reclaim hegemonic stability theory from the scholars who developed it following his works of the 1970s and 1980s.