Showing 5161 - 5170 of 5701 Items

Structural strengthening of urchin skeletons by collagenous sutural ligaments

Date: 1998-01-01

Creator: Olaf Ellers, Amy S. Johnson, Philip E. Moberg

Access: Open access

Sea urchin skeletons are strengthened by flexible collagenous ligaments that bind together rigid calcite plates at sutures. Whole skeletons without ligaments (removed by bleaching) broke at lower apically applied forces than did intact, fresh skeletons. In addition, in three-point bending tests on excised plate combinations, sutural ligaments strengthened sutures but not plates. The degree of sutural strengthening by ligaments depended on sutural position; in tensile tests, ambital and adapical sutures were strengthened more than adoral sutures. Adapical sutures, which grow fastest, were also the loosest, suggesting that strengthening by ligaments is associated with growth. In fed, growing urchins, sutures overall were looser than in unfed urchins. Looseness was demonstrated visually and by vibration analysis: bleached skeletons of unfed urchins rang at characteristic frequencies, indicating that sound traveled across tightly fitting sutures; skeletons of fed urchins damped vibrations, indicating loss of vibrational energy across looser sutures. Furthermore, bleached skeletons of fed urchins broke at lower apically applied forces than bleached skeletons of unfed urchins, indicating that the sutures of fed urchins had been held together relatively loosely by sutural ligaments. Thus, the apparently rigid dome-like skeleton of urchins sometimes transforms into a flexible, jointed membrane as sutures loosen and become flexible during growth.

Amplitudes for massive vector and scalar bosons in spontaneously-broken gauge theory from the CHY representation

Date: 2015-09-26

Creator: Stephen G. Naculich

Access: Open access

Abstract: In the formulation of Cachazo, He, and Yuan, tree-level amplitudes for massless particles in gauge theory and gravity can be expressed as rational functions of the Lorentz invariants ka · kb, ϵa · kb, and ϵa · ϵb, valid in any number of spacetime dimensions. We use dimensional reduction of higher-dimensional amplitudes of particles with internal momentum κ to obtain amplitudes for massive particles in lower dimensions. In the case of gauge theory, we argue that these massive amplitudes belong to a theory in which the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by an adjoint Higgs field. Consequently, we show that tree-level n-point amplitudes containing massive vector and scalar bosons in this theory can be obtained by simply replacing ka · kb with ka · kb − κaκb in the corresponding massless amplitudes, where the masses of the particles are given by |κa|.

Bowdoin College Catalogue (1827 Feb)

Date: 1827-02-01

Access: Open access

Report of the President, Bowdoin College 1901-1902

Date: 1902-01-01

Access: Open access

Dark breathers in granular crystals

Date: 2013-04-08

Creator: C. Chong, P. G. Kevrekidis, G. Theocharis, Chiara Daraio

Access: Open access

We present a study of the existence, stability, and bifurcation structure of families of dark breathers in a one-dimensional uniform chain of spherical beads under static load. A defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) is derived for frequencies that are close to the edge of the phonon band and is used to construct targeted initial conditions for numerical computations. Salient features of the system include the existence of large amplitude solutions that emerge from the small amplitude solutions described by the NLS equation, and the presence of a nonlinear instability that, to the best of the authors' knowledge, has not been observed in classical Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices. Finally, it is also demonstrated that these dark breathers can be detected in a physically realistic experimental settings by merely actuating the ends of an initially at rest chain of beads and inducing destructive interference between their signals. © 2013 American Physical Society.

Multistable solitons in the cubic-quintic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Date: 2006-04-01

Creator: R. Carretero-González, J. D. Talley, C. Chong, B. A. Malomed

Access: Open access

We analyze the existence and stability of localized solutions in the one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation with a combination of competing self-focusing cubic and defocusing quintic onsite nonlinearities. We produce a stability diagram for different families of soliton solutions that suggests the (co)existence of infinitely many branches of stable localized solutions. Bifurcations that occur with an increase in the coupling constant are studied in a numerical form. A variational approximation is developed for accurate prediction of the most fundamental and next-order solitons, together with their bifurcations. Salient properties of the model, which distinguish it from the well-known cubic DNLS equation, are the existence of two different types of symmetric solitons and stable asymmetric soliton solutions that are found in narrow regions of the parameter space. The asymmetric solutions appear from and disappear back into the symmetric ones via loops of forward and backward pitchfork bifurcations. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

A relation for domino robinson-schensted algorithms

Date: 2010-01-01

Creator: Thomas Pietraho

Access: Open access

We describe a map relating hyperoctahedral Robinson-Schensted algorithms on standard domino tableaux of unequal rank. Iteration of this map relates the algorithms defined by Garfinkle and Stanton-White and when restricted to involutions, this construction answers a question posed by van Leeuwen. The principal technique is derived from operations defined on standard domino tableaux by Garfinkle which must be extended to this more general setting. © Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland 2009.

Report of the President, Bowdoin College 1928-1929

Date: 1929-01-01

Access: Open access

Interaction of stretch feedback and beat regularity in response to AMGSEFLamide in the heart of Homarus americanus

Date: 2020-01-01

Creator: William Allen

Access: Open access

Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural circuits whose component neurons possess intrinsic properties and synaptic connections that allow them to generate rhythmic motor outputs in the absence of descending inputs. The cardiac ganglion (CG) is a nine-cell CPG located in the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Stretch of the myocardium feeds back to the CG through mechano-sensitive dendrites and is thought to play a role in maintaining regularity in the beating pattern of the heart. The novel peptide AMGSEFLamide has been observed to induce irregular beating patterns when applied at high concentrations. This study investigated the interaction between stretch-related feedback and AMGSEFLamide modulation in generating irregular beating patterns in the whole heart of Homarus americanus. It was hypothesized that greater longitudinal stretch of the heart would result in greater regularity in the instantaneous beat frequency, based on previous findings that stretch-sensitive dendrites play a role in the regulation of the heartbeat. Furthermore, it was predicted that the elimination of stretch feedback via deafferentation of the heart would augment the irregularity induced by AMGSEFLamide. Data showed significantly increased irregularity in beating in response to 10-6 M AMGSEFLamide application. Longitudinal stretch did not reliably alter baseline variability in frequency, nor did it influence the modulatory effect of AMGSEFLamide. Deafferentation did not significantly alter baseline irregularity. Deafferented preparations did exhibit a trend of responding to AMGSEFLamide with a greater percent increase in irregularity compared to when afferents were intact, suggesting a potential role of stretch-stabilization in response to modulatory perturbations in the Homarus heart.

Miniature of Isolation of Cell Adhesion Mutations in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>
Isolation of Cell Adhesion Mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana
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      Date: 2020-01-01

      Creator: Frances DeCamp Hobart Zorensky

      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community