Showing 531 - 540 of 564 Items

Demography of a Collapsing Aerial Insectivore Population

Date: 2017-05-01

Creator: Liam Taylor

Access: Open access

Aerial insectivores have been declining across northeastern North America since the end of the 20th century. The mechanisms and demographic patterns of this decline are unclear. On Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada, an isolated population of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) collapsed between 1987 and 2010. To explore how demographic rates (i.e., survival, reproduction, and immigration) drove the population dynamics of these northeastern aerial insectivores, we combined productivity, population survey, and capture-recapture data in an integrated population model analysis. Neither consistently low juvenile survival rates, adult survival rates, nor clutch size were correlated with population growth rate across years. Alternatively, male and female immigration, hatching success, and fledging success rates were correlated with population growth rate. Because local hatching and fledging success rates cannot influence a population without local recruitment, we argue that the demography of these Tree Swallows is mainly structured by immigration. Parameter-substitution simulations revealed that overall decline was likely even if the population had avoided the worst years of demographic collapse. Breeding Bird Survey comparisons demonstrated how the Kent Island population represents both a demographic and geographical extreme at the edge of a declining region. These demographic patterns highlight the sensitivity, even to the point of local extinction, of some isolated populations to region-scale patterns in the production of potential immigrants.

Miniature of Modulation of Responses to Phasic stretches by Neuromodulators GYS and SGRN in the Cardiac Central Pattern Generator of the American Lobster, H. americanus
Modulation of Responses to Phasic stretches by Neuromodulators GYS and SGRN in the Cardiac Central Pattern Generator of the American Lobster, H. americanus
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      Date: 2016-05-01

      Creator: Michael M Kang

      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

        Identifying a distinct developmental module in the zebrafish dentition

        Date: 2018-01-01

        Creator: Caleb Matthew Gordon

        Access: Open access

        In the zebrafish pharynx, the first three teeth to form, 3V1, 4V1, and 5V1, have distinct adult and embryonic morphologies, suggesting that these teeth may form using different developmental pathways. Previous studies of gene expression profiles and mutant phenotypes in 3V1, 4V1, and 5V1 have identified four genes that might be involved in dissociating these tooth modules: pitx2b, eve1, pbx1a, and pbx1b. To determine how the developmental roles of these four genes differ across 3V1, 4V1, and 5V1, and obtain a better understanding of how these three teeth develop, I performed CRISPR/Cas9– mediated knockouts in each of these genes, or analyzed embryos from a stable transgenic mutant line where available, and observed the resulting tooth germs and mineralized tooth structures via fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Preliminary results implicate pitx2 as being required for tooth mineralization, offer a possible role for pbx1a, pbx1b, and eve1 in distinguishing the developmental pathway of 3V1, and suggest that 3V1 constitutes a distinct developmental module within the early ventral dentition.

        Miniature of An unbiased glimpse into the sex-specific effects of ketamine treatment on rats who have experienced early life adversity.
        An unbiased glimpse into the sex-specific effects of ketamine treatment on rats who have experienced early life adversity.
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            Date: 2023-01-01

            Creator: Lucia Marie O'Sullivan

            Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

              Miniature of Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Probe Compounds at Predicting Anionic Pharmaceutical Sorption to Soils
              Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Probe Compounds at Predicting Anionic Pharmaceutical Sorption to Soils
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                  Date: 2021-01-01

                  Creator: Ben Cook

                  Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                    Miniature of Dispersive Shock Waves in Granular Chains
                    Dispersive Shock Waves in Granular Chains
                    This record is embargoed.
                      • Embargo End Date: 2026-05-18

                      Date: 2023-01-01

                      Creator: Ari Geisler

                      Access: Embargoed

                        "One Never Knew": David Foster Wallace and the Aesthetics of Consumption

                        Date: 2016-05-01

                        Creator: Jesse Ortiz

                        Access: Open access

                        Increasingly, David Foster Wallace is becoming a cult figure among literary enthusiasts. His novels, essays, and short stories are all known for their poignant critiques of modern culture. Since his 2008 suicide, Wallace’s name has come to represent a way of thinking that rejects – and perhaps transcends – the hegemonic power of late capitalism. Wallace had a problem with pleasure. His writing often seemed to deflate or deconstruct what many people enjoy. For him, so much was “supposedly fun.” To understand Wallace’s relationship with pleasure, we must see how pleasure incorporates aesthetics and consumption. Wallace takes issue with the pleasure that comes from the aesthetics of cultural commodities. Irony produces pleasure, which turns culture into a desirable commodity. In my first chapter, I argue that Wallace’s essays challenge aesthetic pleasure by deconstructing self-reflexive irony. In his descriptions of consumer culture, Wallace evokes the feeling of disgust to undo the aesthetic pleasure of consumption. In my second chapter, I move to Infinite Jest to show how Wallace engages with irony while using it to exceed aesthetic pleasure. Infinite Jest challenges the hierarchy of aesthetics and suggests that deformity and waste can be beautiful and important. Infinite Jest demonstrates that, by trusting others instead of pursuing aesthetic ideals, people can build communities that are more honest and fulfilling than the pleasure of consumption.

                        Surfing the Kali Yuga: Tracking the Alt-Right on Twitter

                        Date: 2023-01-01

                        Creator: Jaida Hodge-Adams

                        Access: Open access

                        The alt-right is a hyper-extreme, decentralized network of far-right pundits and their doggish supporters that exists almost entirely online. Consumed by conspiracy and identity, the myths of bigoted ideologies like racism, antisemitism, and transphobia are taken for granted, and their ideology calls for violent ends by violent means. In the physical world, members of the alt-right often keep their rhetoric to themselves; Online, however, they find solace in a vast, international network of websites and forums that together form one giant echo chamber into which they can dump their darkest thoughts. Though any individual member of the alt-right may operate uniquely within the context of their home country, together they form a collective, international voice whose strongest claims often transcend borders and resist state-level analysis. Unspeakable acts of violence like mass shootings, senseless killings, and acts of terrorism are unpredictable but become significantly more likely when the rhetorical atmosphere breeds hostility. By demonizing minority groups and spreading ideologies of hate, the alt-right makes these acts of violence more likely. On massive platforms like Twitter, the alt-right’s rhetoric can seep into mainstream conversations; their framing of concepts like race, gender, sexuality, and national identity are forced into relevance. Their rhetoric is euphemistic, but their message is clear, and their hate poses a real threat to people’s lives. This honors project explores the ideological and geographic features of the alt-right and their international implications, concluding that the alt-right is a globally interconnected group of actors whose conspiracies motivate lone-wolf terrorists worldwide.

                        Miniature of Effects of Origin Environment and Temperature Acclimation on the Temperate Coral <i>Astrangia poculata</i>
                        Effects of Origin Environment and Temperature Acclimation on the Temperate Coral Astrangia poculata
                        This record is embargoed.
                          • Embargo End Date: 2026-05-18

                          Date: 2023-01-01

                          Creator: Deva K Holliman

                          Access: Embargoed

                            Miniature of The ELMO Family of Pectin Biosynthesis Scaffold Proteins
                            The ELMO Family of Pectin Biosynthesis Scaffold Proteins
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                                Date: 2023-01-01

                                Creator: Margaret Elizabeth Weinstock

                                Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community