Showing 581 - 590 of 4389 Items

Bowdoin College Catalogue (1873-1874)

Date: 1874-01-01

Access: Open access

"Unexpected Gifts: Life With MS During a Pandemic" by Nora Pierson (Class of 2000)

Date: 2020-01-01

Creator: Nora Pierson

Access: Open access

How having Multiple Sclerosis has prepared me for life in the time of Covid-19. The author is an alumna from the class of 2000.

Reflections questionnaire response by Anonymous on March 23, 2021

Date: 2021-01-01

Creator: Anonymous

Access: Open access

This is a response to the Documenting Bowdoin & COVID-19 Reflections Questionnaire. The questionnaire was created in March 2021 by staff of Bowdoin's George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives. The author is a member of Bowdoin's faculty.

Catalogue of the Bowdoin Collection of Paintings, Bowdoin College

Date: 1870-01-01

Access: Open access

"Note" signed: J.B.S

Joseph Nicoletti: Paintings and Drawings

Date: 1977-01-01

Access: Open access

Catalog of the exhibition held Jan. 21-Feb. 27, 1977.

Bowdoin Sculpture of St. John Nepomuk

Date: 1975-01-01

Creator: Zdenka Volavka

Access: Open access

"Composition by the Anthoensen Press, Portland, Maine"--P. [2]

French Impressionist and Post Impressionist Paintings from the Collections of Mrs. Bertha Palmer Thorne and Mr. Gordon Palmer

Date: 1962-01-01

Access: Open access

Handlist of an exhibition held at the Walker Art Museum, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, May 11-June 17, 1962.

Textures of Our Earth: Bayetage Tapestries by Nancy Hemenway: 1972-1977

Date: 1977-01-01

Creator: Benjamin Forgery

Access: Open access

Catalogue of an exhibition organized by the Bowdoin College Museum of Art; participating museums: Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Aug. 5-Sept. 25, 1977; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Oct. 18-Nov. 20, 1977; Seattle Art Museum, May 18-June 25, 1978; Textile Museum, Sept. 15-Oct. 28, 1978.

Museum of Art Publications
Digitized collection catalogues, exhibition catalogues, and more from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.