Showing 901 - 910 of 5701 Items

Drag, drafting, and mechanical interactions in canopies of the red alga Chondrus crispus

Date: 2001-01-01

Creator: A. S. Johnson

Access: Open access

Dense algal canopies, which are common in the lower intertidal and shallow subtidal along rocky coastlines, can alter flow-induced forces in their vicinity. Alteration of flow-induced forces on algal thalli may ameliorate risk of dislodgement and will affect important physiological processes, such as rates of photosynthesis. This study found that the force experienced by a thallus of the red alga Chondrus crispus (Stackhouse) at a given flow speed within a flow tank depended upon (1) the density of the canopy surrounding the thallus, (2) the position of the thallus within the canopy, and (3) the length of the stipe of the thallus relative to the height of the canopy. At all flow speeds, a solitary thallus experienced higher forces than a thallus with neighbors. A greater than 65% reduction in force occurred when the thallus drafted in the region of slower velocities that occurs in the wake region of even a single upstream neighbor, similar to the way racing bicyclists draft one behind the other. Mechanical interactions between thalli were important to forces experienced within canopies. A thallus on the upstream edge of a canopy experienced 6% less force than it did when solitary, because the canopy physically supported it. A thallus in the middle of a canopy experienced up to 83% less force than a solitary thallus, and forces decreased with increasing canopy density. Thus, a bushy morphology that increases drag on a solitary thallus may function to decrease forces experienced by that thallus when it is surrounded by a canopy, because that morphology increases physical support provided by neighbors.

Estimated stocks of circumpolar permafrost carbon with quantified uncertainty ranges and identified data gaps

Date: 2014-12-01

Creator: G. Hugelius, J. Strauss, S. Zubrzycki, J. W. Harden, E. A.G., Schuur, C. L. Ping, L. Schirrmeister, G. Grosse, G. J. Michaelson, C. D. Koven, J. A. O'Donnell, B. Elberling, U. Mishra, P. Camill, Z. Yu, J. Palmtag

Access: Open access

Soils and other unconsolidated deposits in the northern circumpolar permafrost region store large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). This SOC is potentially vulnerable to remobilization following soil warming and permafrost thaw, but SOC stock estimates were poorly constrained and quantitative error estimates were lacking. This study presents revised estimates of permafrost SOC stocks, including quantitative uncertainty estimates, in the 0-3 m depth range in soils as well as for sediments deeper than 3 m in deltaic deposits of major rivers and in the Yedoma region of Siberia and Alaska. Revised estimates are based on significantly larger databases compared to previous studies. Despite this there is evidence of significant remaining regional data gaps. Estimates remain particularly poorly constrained for soils in the High Arctic region and physiographic regions with thin sedimentary overburden (mountains, highlands and plateaus) as well as for deposits below 3 m depth in deltas and the Yedoma region. While some components of the revised SOC stocks are similar in magnitude to those previously reported for this region, there are substantial differences in other components, including the fraction of perennially frozen SOC. Upscaled based on regional soil maps, estimated permafrost region SOC stocks are 217 ± 12 and 472 ± 27 Pg for the 0-0.3 and 0-1 m soil depths, respectively (±95% confidence intervals). Storage of SOC in 0-3 m of soils is estimated to 1035 ± 150 Pg. Of this, 34 ± 16 Pg C is stored in poorly developed soils of the High Arctic. Based on generalized calculations, storage of SOC below 3 m of surface soils in deltaic alluvium of major Arctic rivers is estimated as 91 ± 52 Pg. In the Yedoma region, estimated SOC stocks below 3 m depth are 181 ± 54 Pg, of which 74 ± 20 Pg is stored in intact Yedoma (late Pleistocene ice- and organic-rich silty sediments) with the remainder in refrozen thermokarst deposits. Total estimated SOC storage for the permafrost region is ∼1300 Pg with an uncertainty range of ∼1100 to 1500 Pg. Of this, ∼500 Pg is in non-permafrost soils, seasonally thawed in the active layer or in deeper taliks, while ∼800 Pg is perennially frozen. This represents a substantial ∼300 Pg lowering of the estimated perennially frozen SOC stock compared to previous estimates.

Aneuploidy and isochromosome formation in drug-resistant Candida albicans

Date: 2006-07-21

Creator: Anna Selmecki, Anja Forche, Judith Berman

Access: Open access

Resistance to the limited number of available antifungal drugs is a serious problem in the treatment of Candida albicans. We found that aneuploidy in general and a specific segmental aneuploidy, consisting of an isochromosome composed of the two left arms of chromosome 5, were associated with azole resistance. The isochromosome forms around a single centromere flanked by an inverted repeat and was found as an independent chromosome or fused at the telomere to a full-length homolog of chromosome 5. Increases and decreases in drug resistance were strongly associated with gain and loss of this isochromosome, which bears genes expressing the enzyme in the ergosterol pathway targeted by azole drugs, efflux pumps, and a transcription factor that positively regulates a subset of efflux pump genes.

Miniature of Tension production and sarcomere length in lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac muscles: the mechanisms underlying mechanical anisotropy
Tension production and sarcomere length in lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac muscles: the mechanisms underlying mechanical anisotropy
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      Date: 2019-05-01

      Creator: Matthew Maguire

      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

        Complete mitochondrial genomes of the human follicle mites Demodex brevis and D. folliculorum: Novel gene arrangement, truncated tRNA genes, and ancient divergence between species

        Date: 2014-12-16

        Creator: Michael F. Palopoli, Samuel Minot, Dorothy Pei, Alicia Satterly, Julie, Endrizzi

        Access: Open access

        Background: Follicle mites of the genus Demodex are found on a wide diversity of mammals, including humans. surprisingly little is known, however, about the evolution of this association. Additional sequence information promises to facilitate studies of Demodex variation within and between host species. Here we report the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two species of Demodex known to live on humans-Demodex brevis and D. folliculorum-which are the first such genomes available for any member of the genus. We analyzed these sequences to gain insight into the evolution of mitochondrial genomes within the Acariformes. We also used relaxed molecular clock analyses, based on alignments of mitochondrial proteins, to estimate the time of divergence between these two species. Results: Both Demodex genomes shared a novel gene order that differs substantially from the ancestral chelicerate pattern, with transfer RNA (tRNA) genes apparently having moved much more often than other genes. Mitochondrial tRNA genes of both species were unusually short, with most of them unable to encode tRNAs that could fold into the canonical cloverleaf structure. indeed, several examples lacked both D- and T-arms. Finally, the high level of sequence divergence observed between these species suggests that these two lineages last shared a common ancestor no more recently than about 87 mya. Conclusions: Among Acariformes, rearrangements involving tRNA genes tend to occur much more often than those involving other genes. The truncated tRNA genes observed in both Demodex species would seem to require the evolution of extensive tRNA editing capabilities and/or coevolved interacting factors. The molecular machinery necessary for these unusual tRNAs to function might provide an avenue for developing treatments of skin disorders caused by Demodex. The deep divergence time estimated between these two species sets a lower bound on the time that Demodex have been coevolving with their mammalian hosts, and supports the hypothesis that there was an early split within the genus Demodex into species that dwell in different skin microhabitats.

        The N = 2 U(N) gauge theory prepotential and periods from a perturbative matrix model calculation

        Date: 2003-02-24

        Creator: Stephen G. Naculich, Howard J. Schnitzer, Niclas Wyllard

        Access: Open access

        We perform a completely perturbative matrix model calculation of the physical low-energy quantities of the N = 2 U(N) gauge theory. Within the matrix model framework we propose a perturbative definition of the periods a i in terms of certain tadpole diagrams, and check our conjecture up to first order in the gauge theory instanton expansion. The prescription does not require knowledge of the Seiberg-0Witten differential or curve.We also compute the N = 2 prepotential F(a) perturbatively up to the first-instanton level, finding agreement with the known result. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

        Bowdoin College Catalogue (1829 Oct)

        Date: 1829-10-01

        Access: Open access

        Report of the President, Bowdoin College 1933-1934

        Date: 1934-01-01

        Access: Open access

        The role of behavioral diversity in determining the extent to which the cardiac ganglion is modulated in three species of crab

        Date: 2020-01-01

        Creator: Grace Bukowski-Thall

        Access: Open access

        Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that generate the rhythmic outputs that control behaviors such as locomotion, respiration, and chewing. The stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), which contains the CPGs that control foregut movement, and the cardiac ganglion (CG), which is a CPG that controls heartbeat, are two commonly studied systems in decapod crustaceans. Neuromodulators are locally or hormonally released neuropeptides and amines that change the output patterns of CPGs like the STNS and CG to allow behavioral flexibility. We have hypothesized that neuromodulation provides a substrate for the evolution of behavioral flexibility, and as a result, systems exhibiting more behavioral flexibility are modulated to a greater degree. To examine this hypothesis, we evaluated the extent to which the STNS and the CG are modulated in the majoid crab species Chionoecetes opilio, Libinia emarginata, and Pugettia producta. C. opilio and L. emarginata are opportunistic feeders, whereas P. producta has a highly specialized kelp diet. We predicted that opportunistic feeding crabs that chew and process a wide variety of food types would exhibit greater STNS neuromodulatory capacity than those with a specialized diet. The STNS of L. emarginata and C. opilio responded to the seven endogenous neuromodulators oxotremorine, dopamine, CabTrp Ia, CCAP, myosuppressin, proctolin, and RPCH, whereas the STNS of P. producta only responded to proctolin, oxotremorine, myosuppressin, RPCH (25% of the time), variably to dopamine, and not at all to CabTrp and CCAP. Because P. producta, L. emarginata, and C. opilio all belong to the Majoidea superfamily, their primary distinctions are their feeding habits. For this reason, we further predicted that there would be no relationship between diet and modulatory capacity in the cardiac ganglion (CG) of the neurogenic heart. This would suggest that a lack of STNS modulatory capacity in P. producta relative to L. emarginata and C. opilio is specific to evolved foregut function. Whole-heart recordings from P. producta indicated that, unlike the STNS, the CG responds to CabTrp and CCAP. P. producta hearts also responded to oxotremorine and inconsistently to dopamine and proctolin. The CG of C. opilio was modulated by CabTrp, CCAP, dopamine, proctolin, myosuppressin, and oxotremorine, but not RPCH. The CG of L. emarginata responded to CCAP, and inconsistently to CabTrp, dopamine, and proctolin, but not to myosuppressin, RPCH, and surprisingly oxotremorine. Although cardiac responses were not identical between species, opportunistic and specialist feeders responded more similarly to the modulators tested in the heart than in the STNS. Notably, P. producta responded to each modulator in a similar manner to C. opilio and/or L. emarginata. However, L. emarginata’s surprising lack of cardiac response to oxotremorine suggests that phylogenetic closeness may not control for differences in CG and STNS function between species. Nevertheless, sample sizes of all three species were quite small, and individual differences lead to inconsistencies in the data. As a result, sample size must be enlarged to draw firm conclusions.