Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Items
Coordination of distinct but interacting rhythmic motor programs by a modulatory projection neuron using different co-transmitters in different ganglia
Date: 2013-05-01
Creator: Molly A. Kwiatkowski, Emily R. Gabranski, Kristen E. Huber, M. Christine Chapline, Andrew E., Christie, Patsy S. Dickinson
Access: Open access
- While many neurons are known to contain multiple neurotransmitters, the specific roles played by each co-transmitter within a neuron are often poorly understood. Here, we investigated the roles of the co-transmitters of the pyloric suppressor (PS) neurons, which are located in the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) of the lobster Homarus americanus. The PS neurons are known to contain histamine; using RT-PCR, we identified a second co-transmitter as the FMRFamide-like peptide crustacean myosuppressin (Crust-MS). The modulatory effects of Crust-MS application on the gastric mill and pyloric patterns, generated in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG), closely resembled those recorded following extracellular PS neuron stimulation. To determine whether histamine plays a role in mediating the effects of the PS neurons in the STG, we bath-applied histamine receptor antagonists to the ganglion. In the presence of the antagonists, the histamine response was blocked, but Crust-MS application and PS stimulation continued to modulate the gastric and pyloric patterns, suggesting that PS effects in the STG are mediated largely by Crust-MS. PS neuron stimulation also excited the oesophageal rhythm, produced in the commissural ganglia (CoGs) of the STNS. Application of histamine, but not Crust-MS, to the CoGs mimicked this effect. Histamine receptor antagonists blocked the ability of both histamine and PS stimulation to excite the oesophageal rhythm, providing strong evidence that the PS neurons use histamine in the CoGs to exert their effects. Overall, our data suggest that the PS neurons differentially utilize their co-transmitters in spatially distinct locations to coordinate the activity of three independent networks. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
Assessment and comparison of putative amine receptor complement/diversity in the brain and eyestalk ganglia of the lobster, Homarus americanus
Date: 2020-06-01
Creator: Andrew E. Christie, J. Joe Hull, Patsy S. Dickinson
Access: Open access
- In decapods, dopamine, octopamine, serotonin, and histamine function as locally released/hormonally delivered modulators of physiology/behavior. Although the functional roles played by amines in decapods have been examined extensively, little is known about the identity/diversity of their amine receptors. Recently, a Homarus americanus mixed nervous system transcriptome was used to identify putative neuronal amine receptors in this species. While many receptors were identified, some were fragmentary, and no evidence of splice/other variants was found. Here, the previously predicted proteins were used to search brain- and eyestalk ganglia-specific transcriptomes to assess/compare amine receptor complements in these portions of the lobster nervous system. All previously identified receptors were reidentified from the brain and/or eyestalk ganglia transcriptomes, i.e., dopamine alpha-1, beta-1, and alpha-2 (Homam-DAα2R) receptors, octopamine alpha (Homam-OctαR), beta-1, beta-2, beta-3, beta-4, and octopamine–tyramine (Homam-OTR-I) receptors, serotonin type-1A, type-1B (Homam-5HTR1B), type-2B, and type-7 receptors; and histamine type-1 (Homam-HA1R), type-2, type-3, and type-4 receptors. For many previously partial proteins, full-length receptors were deduced from brain and/or eyestalk ganglia transcripts, i.e., Homam-DAα2R, Homam-OctαR, Homam-OTR-I, and Homam-5HTR1B. In addition, novel dopamine/ecdysteroid, octopamine alpha-2, and OTR receptors were discovered, the latter, Homam-OTR-II, being a putative paralog of Homam-OTR-I. Finally, evidence for splice/other variants was found for many receptors, including evidence for some being assembly-specific, e.g., a brain-specific Homam-OTR-I variant and an eyestalk ganglia-specific Homam-HA1R variant. To increase confidence in the transcriptome-derived sequences, a subset of receptors was cloned using RT-PCR. These data complement/augment those reported previously, providing a more complete picture of amine receptor complement/diversity in the lobster nervous system.