Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Items

Systematic ENSO-driven nutrient variability recorded by central equatorial Pacific corals

Date: 2013-08-16

Creator: Michèle LaVigne, Intan S. Nurhati, Kim M. Cobb, Helen V. McGregor, Daniel, Sinclair, Robert M. Sherrell

Access: Open access

Variations in ocean productivity are driven largely by nutrient supply to the photic zone, but temporal records of nutrient variability are sparse. Here we show scleractinian coral P/Ca proxy records of variations in phosphate concentrations during El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles in the central equatorial Pacific. Covarying P/Ca records in Porites corals from Christmas and Fanning Islands show a regional ∼40% decrease during the upwelling relaxation of the 1997-1998 El Niño, consistent with less frequent nutrient measurements from this area. Similar ∼35-45% skeletal P/Ca decreases occur during the 1982-1983 and 1986-1987 El Niño events, which predate satellite color and regional nutrient measurements. After each El Niño event, nutrient increases lag temperature recovery by 4-12 months, likely reflecting uptake by massive phytoplankton blooms that followed resumption of upwelling. The results support the utility of coral P/Ca to probe the mechanisms linking ENSO, equatorial upwelling, and carbon cycling in the past. © 2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.

Diatom blooms in Harpswell Sound: seasonality, succession, and origin

Date: 2023-01-01

Creator: Charlie Francis O'Brien

Access: Open access

Harpswell Sound (HS) is an inlet in northeastern Casco Bay that exerts control on Gulf of Maine ecosystem health, yet its complex phytoplankton community dynamics have not been characterized with sufficiently detailed analyses. In this research, high-resolution automated microscopy and current velocity observations were used to test the seasonality, ecological succession, bloom origin location, and potential toxicity of populations in HS between 2020 and 2022. Winter months could exhibit slow accumulation of diatom biovolume. Cold, salty surface water has net outflow in winter as nutrients from depth are replenished during net upwelling conditions, and populations could be exported from the inlet at the surface. Extreme current velocity variability in spring due to the Kennebec River plume in HS destabilizes spatially uniform populations. Warm, low-salinity surface water with net inflow in summer (net downwelling which retains populations at the head of the sound) corresponds with temporally separate dinoflagellate and diatom blooms. Large, multi-peaked spring and fall diatom blooms are recurrent, contrasting small, short-lived blooms in summer. A successional pattern from diatoms to dinoflagellates is confirmed for summer but refuted for other seasons. The hypothesis that diatom succession during all blooms in HS is characterized by large centric cells preceding small cells or pennate cells was explored but no clear pattern in decreasing cell size was observed. Observed tidal effects on biovolume concentration could mask that blooms develop at coherent times but spatially separated. A diverse community of toxic phytoplankton, including dinoflagellates and Pseudonitzschia, are observed throughout the year.