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Student Scholarship
The evolutionary response of populations of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) populations to climate change
Quantification and Characterization of AST-C Peptides in Homarus americanus Using Mass Spectrometry
Pyrokinin peptides’ effect on the stomatogastric nervous system in the American lobster, Homarus americanus
An Assessment of pH and the Effects of Ocean Acidification in a Phippsburg, ME Clam Flat
GIS analysis of historical cod fisheries in the Gulf of Maine
Ecological Effects of Rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) Harvesting
Prendersi Cura: Taking Care of Nature in Perugia, Italy
A molecular analysis of green crab diets in Casco Bay, Maine
Long-term trends in tropical fish larvae of the Hawaiian Islands revealed by DNA barcoding
Does the neuropeptide GYS modulate stretch feedback pathways in the lobster cardiac neuromuscular system?
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